I am strong because three months after my husband and I got married, we found out we were pregnant, and at 12 weeks, we lost the baby. I am strong because after three months of waiting to try again, we found out we were pregnant for the second time, but at six weeks, I miscarried again. I am strong because…
When Plans Change: Baby Born Vaginally Before Cesarean
Sadie’s story starts a few weeks before her birth. At 34 weeks I started to have the same symptoms of labor as I had with my first daughter, Peyton. I called my midwife and she told me to immediately go home from work and put me on bed rest temporarily for three days. Once I was home the contractions subsided…
Frank Breech Story {Vaginal Hospital Birth After Induction}
In 2009 I became pregnant with my second child. I was very excited. My first birth had gone very well, easy, no complications, no interventions. After birthing an 8lb 1oz posterior baby boy after only 4 hours of labor and 30 mins of pushing, I decided the second would be out of hospital. We hired a great midwifery team. My…