I married the man of my dreams in 2011. I had been quite sick prior to the wedding and had lost a lot of weight due to my illness (silver lining, I fit in to my wedding dress!). The doctors told me that I probably couldn’t have children and that if I did ever by some miracle get pregnant I…
A Couple Working Together: A Birth Center Birth Story
"Between the waves, Brett and I would incredulously remark to each other how crazy this was. We were actually going to be having our baby. It was also during this time that Brett realized he must have stepped in dog poop prior to leaving for the hospital. I was too distracted to notice, but our triage room had been filling…
Hypnobirthing Through Horrible Back Labor: A VBAC Story
I have been laboring for an entire day. Lying in the bathtub completely relaxed listening to peaceful music and meditating. I hear the door open quietly. I open one eye and take a peek. My oldest son Cash is sneaking in. I close my eye and get back to THE work of relaxation. Feeling a surge coming, I know it…
Birthing Peacefully with Hypnobirthing
After the excitement of being pregnant with my very first baby I couldn’t help but feel so nervous & anxious about giving birth. It was consuming me, which I realise now was a blessing for me as it put me on the most incredible journey of hypnobirthing. I am sure there are a lot of you out there that can…
Breech Babies Are Another Variation of Normal
Originally written 10/29/2010. With my first child, I knew I wanted a natural birth. I chose the local birth center and hired the team of midwives. I attended my regular appointments and the birth classes they offered. Starting around 30 weeks I questioned the position of my baby. I asked three of the midwives at three different appointments if they…
Audrey Lands Earthside
At 3:15 the morning of December 23rd, I woke up to some contractions. They kept happening so I timed them and saw they were all over the place in terms of duration and time apart. I wasn’t sure if this was the real deal or just more practice. They were a bit uncomfortable so I tried to center by visualizing…
A Natural Hospital Birth with an ObGyn and Doula
My second son, Gabriel Lee, was born on February 12, 2013 at 6:58 pm. Before I get into the details of how he came into the world it is helpful for me to recap the birth of my first son, Anderson Matthew, and review a little of what my pregnancy was like with Gabriel. Anderson was born in December 2006…
“We did it baby! It was hard, but we did it!” {Natural Birth Center Birth}
3:00 am on the morning of September 30th, I awoke to some uncomfortable cramping. I was at the breaking point in my pregnancy. I felt that I couldn’t possibly get any bigger, or any more emotional. I had disconnected with the world because I could not handle one more, “You haven’t had the baby yet?” 3:30 am: I’ll go to…
I Came Along, I Wrote A Song For You. {The Birth Story Of Sparrow}
We thank Rachel for returning to the BWF blog and sharing her second birth story with us. Her first birth story is here: Hypnobirth Water Birth Story with Gorgeous Pictures So, during my whole pregnancy I refused to tell anyone an official due date, because they mean nothing and everyone pesters you about going late. I said things like “Oh,…