• Pre-Order The BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR Book Today!!!

    In her first book, Birth Without Fear: The Judgement-Free Guide to Taking Charge of Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum (Hachette Books; March 5 2019), January Harshe, mom of six and founder of the Birth Without Fear website, delivers an inclusive, non-judgmental, and empowering guide to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum life. Each chapter provides you with the all the necessary information,…

  • The Harshe Podcast – Episode #41: It Always Comes Back To Poop

    {EXPLICIT WARNING} January and Brandon are talking potty training. Brandon recounts the horrific poopy discoveries he’s made throughout the house during this final round of potty training, and January reveals the most traumatizing poopy experience of her life as a result of potty training. Trigger warning for those of you still sensitive to trials and tribulations that involve toddler fecal…

  • Say It: “I Am Magical As F***.”

    Life can be hard, disappointing, frustrating, depressing, and scary too. But the moments of utter joy like when you hold your child for the first time, moments of intense love like a lovers embrace, and moments of childlike wonder and awe like meeting beautiful, strong, intelligent elephants make this life worth living for. This mama and her adopted sister were…

  • The Harshe Podcast – Episode #40: Another Fetchin’ Mormon Episode!

    {EXPLICIT WARNING} January and Brandon are back talking about the differences between being Mormons and being heathens! They talk about Brandon’s amazing Benjamin Button impersonation in which he was a balding, malnourished Mormon ten years ago! January talks about coffee (of course!) and the difference between choosing to abstain from alcohol for health reasons versus doctrinal reasons. Also, Brandon talks…

  • The Harshe Podcast – Episode #37: Birth Without Fear Australia Conference Recap

    January and Brandon return from their brief hiatus to recap the Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia that took place in Sydney at the end of May! They discuss the reality of January going to Australia alone for a week while Brandon stayed home with the kids, preparing for a conference overseas and how January’s grandmother helped improvise some of the…

  • The 1st Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia!!!

    Saturday May 26, 2018 was the first Birth Without Fear Conference in AUSTRALIA!!! It was a huge success and we can’t wait to come back!!! A post shared by Kayla Rees (@kayla_rees85) on May 26, 2018 at 8:03am PDT Birth without fear Conference today ❤😍👍#Homebirth #sydneyhomebirth #birthwithoutfear #januaryharshe A post shared by Homebirth Access Sydney (HAS) (@homebirthaccesssydney) on May 25,…

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