• Loving Everyone Else While Hating Myself {Updated}

    I haven’t done a blog post in a while. Between speaking, planning our first conference, emails, Facebook, the blog, starting Instagram, other social medias, networking, being a mother to 5, and business owner……takes deep breath…..you get the point. But something happened recently and I feel inspired to share. At the beginning of the year I blogged about how we share all…

  • I am strong {Katie}

    I am strong because at 12 weeks pregnant with my first child I chose to adopt my three year old niece and one year old nephew after tragically losing my best friend, my sister. I am strong because I managed to still work full time as an RN in the NICU while going through a huge loss, being pregnant, and…

  • I Am Strong {Casey}

    [Trigger Warning: This story is about a micro-premmie twin birth and loss.] I am strong because I knew, at 26 weeks, I needed to go to the hospital despite not feeling a single contraction. When the doctor told me I was 9cm, baby a was stuck in my birth canal, and we needed to get to the OR immediately, I…

  • I Am Strong…Twins {Sarah}

    I am strong because I achieved a natural birth of twin girls at 37 weeks, 5 days, in the OR of a hospital.  My pregnancy was a shock, but I was thrilled that I would finally have the opportunity to have a home birth after two previous hospital births.  When we discovered that it was twins, I learned it was…

  • The Hopistal Birth of Iris

    My pregnancy with Iris was much more different than her big brother, Dominic’s. I had morning sickness for the entire first trimester. I never vomited, which I’m grateful for, but I was nauseous all day.  At 29 weeks, I started getting very crampy, almost like menstrual cramps. I called my OB and spoke to the triage nurse. She kept telling…

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