• I Am Strong – Cesarean Birth After Neonatal Loss

    *trigger warning* I am strong because in April of 2012, I gave birth to a precious baby girl named Evelyn, prematurely at 24 weeks due to incompetent cervix, premature labor, and infection. I am strong because I endured a frightening classical c-section 4 hours after entering the hospital with a smile on my face, knowing it was the best chance…

  • A Mother Will Overcome {I Am Strong}

    A short and sweet story of a teenage mother, or just a mother, this is Jada’s story: I am strong because I found out I was pregnant at 17, two months into a relationship, and decided then to keep the baby. I am strong because I decided to end the relationship, because I wasn’t happy anymore. I am strong because…

  • 10 Tips to Plan a Mother’s Blessing

    A Blessingway is a sacred pre-birth ceremony that has traditionally been performed by Navajo people, and celebrates a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. Today, a gathering known as a ‘Mother Blessing’ is gaining popularity in North America. Unlike a traditional baby shower where the focus is on gifts, a Mother Blessing puts the focus back on nurturing the woman. A…

  • The Fear and Anxiety of the Dad-to-Be

    No one reading this needs an explanation of how men and women are different. It’s generally accepted that men, for the most part, are logical fixers and women are, overall, emotional nurturers. Men like to see things from an empirical point of view, cut to the chase, and get to the root of the problem and fix it. Women like to…

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