• Birth Of Elsie {Homebirth Story With Siblings}

    We were just waiting for the Braxton Hicks contractions to turn into the real deal so we could get our daughter here.  Sunday morning was spent with the church family and then the afternoon was spent with Greg’s family celebrating his mom’s 55th birthday. I was feeling pretty good and honestly didn’t feel like I’d see my daughter anytime in…

  • Birth Photostory | Rebecca Colefax Photography

    “This beautiful family of 5 just became a family of 6! Labour was very fast and extremely powerful – but mummy was strong, empowered and courageous. A wonderful inspiration to her daughter who was present throughout and was the best little birthing assistant I’ve ever seen. This birth was an amazing experience for me as a photographer for this was…

  • A Natural Hospital Waterbirth with 6th Baby

    Midway through my pregnancy with my 6th baby, I decided to make a huge jump from the midwives I knew to ones I did not. I had wanted a homebirth, but I knew with the proximity of the neighbors and how small our house was made for a birthing situation that would have been more stressful than relaxing. So I…

  • Fast Hospital Birth in Australia

    I was 18 when I gave birth to Ella. I had absolutely no idea about pregnancy or giving birth, I was terrified and very unprepared. I had a fairly quick drug free labour but spent the whole time in bed on my back, bub was in a bad position and had become stuck, I pushed for almost 3hrs before she…

  • I Have Socks On! {An Unplanned Unassisted Birth}

    Amos’s Birth Story My due date with our second child was April 24.  I was hoping to get pretty close or past that date, and was especially hoping to still be pregnant by April 21, which was “Mom’s Night” at my daughter Lillian’s preschool, where all the moms come to see activities and special songs the kids have been preparing…

  • Beautiful Birth Story Told by 34 Gorgeous Pictures

    Andie W. has been kind enough to share her sacred birth pictures with the BWF Community. Christie Lacy Photography did a wonderful job capturing the hard work, determination, faith and beauty of BIRTH… This may be my favorite… The shadow in the background is her belly cast… “This is a picture of my newborn, Canyon, in his belly cast. I…

  • Home Water Birth, Baby Born In the Caul

    There is something magical about bringing babies into the world. The whole process, from beginning to end, points to something greater than us. I can’t help but think of creation and the Creator. Man could not have thought this up but only a great God with a divine design. It’s amazing and humbling to me to think that I’ve been…

  • A Simple Home Water Birth

    This is the story of my third daughter’s birth. My older two are 4 and 2, both of which were home births but not water births. This time the midwives (same ones as with my older daughters) gave the option of renting birth pools so I was excited to try for a water birth this time. I was 40 weeks…

  • Twin Home Birth Story: Frank and Footling Breech

    Please research your options, risks and benefits, interview different care providers and choose what is best for your birth. This story is Melissa’s and her family’s…and theirs only. All pictures © Birth Without Fear Blog. {BWF} January 26th, a Thursday, I laid in bed with my Hypnobabies CD on like every night. Hubby laid with me and quietly played games…

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