• A Decision to Birth Unassisted

    When I first planned my birth, I wanted an empowered homebirth. With my doula, my midwife, a student midwife, my birth photographer and my husband and children present. I wanted a party! I wanted a shot of jacks after birth to celebrate. (I know kinda crazy but I can dream, can’t I?) That all changed at 36 weeks. My whole…

  • 11 Wicked Blog Posts {11/5-11/10}

    I wonder if you all (that’s part Texan) can keep up with the number of posts we’re putting out! Here’s a summary for you. Organized and pretty in one place. 1. Three rad weeks of NO Facebook! Not exaggerating. It’s been awesome. Here’s why. 2. These incredible pictures and video of a mother being supported in a VBAC after a…

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