The birth of my first child was a failed induction that ended in a cesarean. I remember the nurses laughing at my natural birth plan when we checked into the hospital and telling me to “wrap my head around what was about to happen”. It wasn’t long after they started the Pitocin that I could feel intense cramping, but with the comfort…
A 45 Minute Home Water Birth
I had four hospital births, all with an epidural. That’s what I thought you were supposed to do when you had a baby – get an epidural and escape from the pain. No one likes pain, so why not skip that part? My first birth was at 41 weeks and three days after my water broke. The second birth was…
Rueger’s Birth: Learning to Give Into the Power of a Woman’s Body
First of all, I’m writing this on his second birthday. His birth is rather fresh in my memory even though so much time has passed. At about six AM on New Year’s Day, 2014, I started having mild contractions five to ten minutes apart. He was due on December 31, so it was exciting to think this might be the…
Next Time I Will Call the Shots – VBAC Home Water Birth {With Pictures}
With my first child I was forced into a c-section and never given the opportunity to labor! The story is that I was 39 weeks, and was told at 40 weeks we would have an ultrasound, schedule an induction, and go from there. Well it turned out my OB NEVER scheduled the induction but rather scheduled a c-section. We went in thinking I…
Birth Of Elsie {Homebirth Story With Siblings}
We were just waiting for the Braxton Hicks contractions to turn into the real deal so we could get our daughter here. Sunday morning was spent with the church family and then the afternoon was spent with Greg’s family celebrating his mom’s 55th birthday. I was feeling pretty good and honestly didn’t feel like I’d see my daughter anytime in…
The Birth of Sicily Rose {Postpartum Hemorrhage, Vanishing Twin Syndrome}
Had it not been for your blog and all the amazing women behind the stories you share, I might not of had the courage to go through what I endured. But, looking back now, I made and I’m a stronger mother and women for it. This past February, we welcomed our second daughter, Sicily Rose to the world. I didn’t…
Margot’s Water Birth Story – Part I
It feels appropriate to say that my daughter Margot’s birth story started two days before she was born. It was early February 2013, and I was officially 40 weeks + 1 day overdue, lying on the table in a doctor’s office, with my midwife telling me that no, sorry, the baby hasn’t dropped yet, so you’re still only 2cms dilated,…
Homebirth Filled with Patience and Love {Water Birth & Cord Burning}
On Friday, April 18th, your daddy, sister, and I were leaving the house for dinner. I had just stepped outside when I felt a small gush. I joked with your dad that maybe my water was leaking. We went about our evening and had a lovely dinner and then went for a short walk. As we got home that evening,…
Overcoming Infertility {I Am Strong}
I am strong because I experienced things as a child and teenager than no one should ever go through. It took many years for me to be able to forgive those that hurt me. I am strong because I left for the Peace Corps right after college where I met the most amazing man that completes me. Ironically we were…