Part 2 of 3. You can read part one of Clare’s journey (trigger warning: traumatic birth) here. ‘What do you mean there’s no sour cream??!’ The place was a small country town called Wagga Wagga (yes, for all the non-Australian readers there is a town actually called that haha!) the date was the 27th of December and I surprised myself…
I Came Along, I Wrote A Song For You. {The Birth Story Of Sparrow}
We thank Rachel for returning to the BWF blog and sharing her second birth story with us. Her first birth story is here: Hypnobirth Water Birth Story with Gorgeous Pictures So, during my whole pregnancy I refused to tell anyone an official due date, because they mean nothing and everyone pesters you about going late. I said things like “Oh,…
Miracles Do Happen {HBAC Waterbirth}
Thank you Clara for sharing your story! I found out I was pregnant on April 3rd, 2012. This was a planned pregnancy, but I was nervous. I looked at my 4 thriving children and remembered back to their births. My first son was induced when I was 38 weeks, but was immediately whisked away after our first feed together because…
A Natural Hospital Waterbirth {Delayed Cord Clamping, With Pictures}
[Thank you Jessica Douglas-Monks for sharing your story and beautiful pictures with us!] I had been having pre-labour pains and contractions since 37 weeks, so by the time Arya’s due date rolled around, I was well and truly ready to have her. On the Monday morning I was having some sharp pelvic pain and some semi-consistent contractions so I went in…
Elle’s Birth Story {Awesome Caul Homebirth}
[My first birth was posted here, and now I’ve completed my next birth story!] Nana arrived on our doorstep when I was 38 weeks pregnant. She wasn’t missing this birth like she did the first! Her plan was to stay for 2 weeks after the baby was born to help with our toddler (18mo) and the transition into life with…
“It was the single most empowering moment of my life!” {Frank Breech Homebirth In Water}
I was 24 years old and planning to have my first baby at home when I found out the baby was in a frank breech position. My wonderful midwife at the time obtained all the latest medical journals on breech birth so we could make an informed decision about the risks. After reading the data, we chose to go with…
River Violet’s Birth Story: HBA2C
For the past nine months Raul and I have been preparing for a HBA2C (home birth after 2 c-sections). We read all the books (Ina May was my favourite), watched all the documentaries and took a Bradley class to educate ourselves on the process. We were well versed in the “mechanics” of labour, but there was a mental/emotional component that…
The Moment {Planned HBA2C, Unplanned Unassisted}
You posted a photo of “the moment” and it reminded me so much of my own. Especially because that moment is something I had waited for through 2 attempted vaginal births that turned into c-sections… I was told I was broken. I was told it would never happen and I couldn’t try. I KNEW BETTER! On April 2011, at 42w2d,…
Birth of a Legend
I’m going to try really hard to do this all in order. I was totally in my own little world for so much of this whole event that I know I’m missing huge chunks of the night and I’m sure that lots happened that I don’t even realise, but this is just my story. The birth as I saw it.…