
Please research your options, risks and benefits, interview different care providers and choose what is best for your birth. This story is Melissa’s and her family’s…and theirs only. All pictures © Birth Without Fear Blog. {BWF}
January 26th, a Thursday, I laid in bed with my Hypnobabies CD on like every night. Hubby laid with me and quietly played games on his phone. Everything felt normal and I was just 2 hours from being 38 weeks.
At 10:30pm I got up to pee and with a giant gush there went my waters. I was a little nervous and knew it was time and my babies would be here soon. Holding back tears I called my midwife, doula, and best friend. I was a little nervous, because the waters were pink and I never had that before, but was reassured by my midwife.
An hour later, contractions started at about 10 minutes apart and irregular. So hubby and I started setting up the pool while we waited for the midwife assistant to come. She arrived around 2:30am, monitored the babies and they were doing great. The midwife lives about 4 hours away so we expected her around 4am. By this time we had a full house. It was reassuring and comfortable, but I was still waiting for something dramatic to happen.
I never felt out of control or scared. I felt the exact opposite. It was great! I was encouraged to rest because knowing baby A was breech, I would need my strength to push. I was able to rest, eat, shower…whatever I wanted without the restrictions of monitors and hospital rules.
After many hours of a boring labor without chaos, I was awakened by my first “Whoa” type of contraction around 6am. About this time my kids started waking up for school. These continued for the next hour as I calmly worked through them with breathing. My 3 kids ages 7,6,and 4 calmly went about business as usual as I worked. A few times they checked on me and asked when the babies would be here and I could only respond with soon.
At 7am it was time to get in the birthing pool that was set up in the middle of the dining room. It felt amazing and just what I needed at that point. My midwife seemed to know what I needed before I did. My 4 year old daughter was present the entire time. She loved rubbing my back with frequent costume changes so her brothers could see all her pretty outfits.
Finally around Noon, it was time to push. It took a lot of work to get baby A down in his complete breech position. The midwife tickled his feet and he was able to switch to a more favorable frank breech position scrotum presenting first.
Liam arrived at 2pm weighing in at 6lbs 10oz. He was beautiful. Very short time of cuddling him and I had to hand him of to Daddy. It was time to push again.
To everyone’s surprise Baby B was coming bag intact and also breech. I quickly pushed and Noah was born a footling breech at 2:49pm and weighing 6lbs 5oz. It was amazing I did it and I was grateful! My babies were here healthy, full term and I was without pain, medication, or tears.
After learning to juggle 2 babies at 1 time in the tub, it was time to move to the couch wrapped in blankets to cuddle, nurse, and eat a grand meal prepared by my wonderful husband. The kids came home from school to meet their new brothers still naked on the couch.
After a few hours we were ready for a warm herbal bath, clean jammies and tucked into our own bed where we stayed for the first week. It was wonderful no one rushed us. It was completely on our schedule.
Wow! Thank you for sharing your beautiful and inspiring birth story! I am 16 wks pregnant with twins and since I found out, I keep telling/willing myself that I am strong as a bull, I’ve brought one baby into this world the natural way and that I WILL make it to 38 wks AND have both my babies vaginally come hell or high water! I loved your photos and your princess’ costume changes 😀 the family pic of you and your babies made my heart swell with love and emotion as I could almost “feel” your moment that I will soon enough experience for myself! Be well and g-d bless your babies <3
Tamera M Weis RN
There is s slide show of twins and triples that were all full term–or past–ask Mrs BWF for the link to watch it–INSPIRATIONAL!
This is a beautiful story so inspiring
Lana S.
I loved how simple and from the heart your story was. I am so proud of you for delivering your babies on your own terms and feeling supported all the way. I also gave birth to my twin boy and girl at home and my boy also came out balls first! Now I wish I had someone taking pictures! Your pictures are amazing.
Much love to you and your family!
Wonderful story! So great to read about normal twin birth! Twin pregnancy and breech presentations are variations of normal! I had both my sets of twins at home. The first set were a breech twin A and transverse Twin B (who came vertex after the 1st one). Second set were both head down but the presenting baby was a occipital transverse presentation. Not typical…. but still normal births.
Incredible story. Awesome pictures too!!
Loved reading your perspective of the birth. It truly was one of the most amazing and beautiful births I have ever attended as a doula! You were absolutely amazing and so was your hubby. One of my favorite parts was seeing your daughter so caring and comforting and not scared by birth in the least! It was a beautiful thing. Hugs mama!
@AJ- where are you located? I am 38-weeks with twin boys both breech. I would love to have a home birth but could not find a midwife willing to deliver twins at home. I’ve been going to the hospital for care and now they are pressuring me to have a C-section, with the only reason being that they’re breech. I live in Osage, Iowa. If you could contact me at renekathleen(at)gmail I would really like any recommendations you have.
Thank you!!
Wahoo, this story is amazing. You are amazing. And such an inspiration for every mother. Your sons are so lucky!
Cindy B
I have to say that as pro natural home birth I am, this would scare the daylights out of me. However, it is not legal in our state and I also had a sister who gave birth to triplets, and two of them were stillborn, so I guess experience scares you too.
Congratulations on your babies! You look great!
What a beautiful story, and beautiful pictures! Way to take charge of your birth and ensure that it was a peaceful, loving transition for you and the babies. Thank you for sharing 🙂
I LOVE reading normal out of hospital twin birth stories. So many women I know “had” to have a c-section because of twins. I thought for sure this time we were having twins and I was determined to have them at home and full term… turns out there is only 1 baby but still planning a comfy home birth! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story!!
Amazing pictures, what a wonderful family.
Thank you for sharing this story – breech is just another variation of normal. Beautifully and fearlessly, peacfully and lovingly birthed.
Way to go Melissa!!! You are an inspiration!
Sue Ann
My son turned when I was in labor, he presented foot first. The midwife and registered nurse failed to transfer me and he died.
Mrs. BWF
Sue Ann, I am so so sorry for your loss. 🙁
Thank you SO much for sharing your absolutely gorgeous birth story! We are 24 weeks pregnant with our first and second (I love how my husband adds “and second” when asked whether this is our first), and are planning a homebirth this August. I have always been extremely pro-homebirth and planned to deliver all my babies this way, but admittedly went through a few weeks of uncertainty, confusion, and fear early on after hearing our OB’s thoughts on it once we learned we were having twins. However, after much research and soul-searching, and knowing I wanted to birth without fear (thank you Mrs. BWF and the entire community!!!), we found an amazingly compassionate, dedicated, and experienced twin and breech homebirth midwife who sees all of this as variations of normal. We have never looked back. Seeing pictures from and hearing the story of births like yours just confirms even more the feeling that we’ve made the right choice for our family. Again, many thanks to you and your beautiful family. 🙂
This is an incredible story. I have never seen a breech born by NVD, except for one who needed forceps and almost didn’t make it. I’m glad it went well. Do you have any idea what made your doctors decide that a home birth would be safe in this instance? Thanks for sharing your story.
I’d hazard to guess she didnt ask permission from a Dr. Looks like she hired a private midwife/birth worker.
Great story with awesome pics. Thanks for sharing.
@BarefootMedStudent, if this is still the only one you’ve ‘seen’, for your own education and benefit, and for those you may be working with in the future (?) i recommend you simply google ‘twin homebirth’ and you will find story after story of successful, unmedicated vaginal deliveries of twins in all different positions!
@ Barefoot Medical Student: It’s likely she went against medical advice. However, she had a proven pelvis and small babies. We don’t see as much of babies getting stuck at home due to positioning of the mother. Moms at home typically are in positions for the second stage that are more favorable for successful vaginal delivery.
such a lovely family. thank you for sharing birth story
It is wonderful that she was able to find a midwife willing to do this! In Arizona, CPMs are not legally allowed to knowingly deliver either breech babies OR twins. They can lose their license. My homebirth CPM said that she had caught one breech baby, but it was a surprise and there was no time to do anything but catch the baby. Twins are an absolute no-no. Once they find out a client is having twins or the baby is breech for sure, they have to send them to an OB. It’s sad, but true.
But those pics were amazing!
V twin mama
I tearily read your birth story, which I couldn’t bring myself to readwhile I was pregnant with twins. I had a section 3 weeks ago and have been teetering between regret and gratitude. Regret that I didn’t have a home birth and gratitude that both my boys were born safe and healthy. We were prepared for home birth, with tub, supplies, a midwife, and 2 doulas. But in the end chose to go to the hospital – it being my 1st pregnancy, and both boys being big at full term. Because in NYC no one in a hospital setting will deliver breech breech twins vaginally, section was the only option within the hospital. I admire your courage and thank you for sharing your story. As it was your 4th birth, I feel I did choose right for me. And ANY choice a woman makes for their birth is right for them.
Love to you and your family.
Beautiful story and amazing pictures. I had my first baby breech at home and I applaud your incredible courage to birth breech twins at home against all the current cultural conditioning. Your story shows other women what is possible and is so important in reducing the culture of fear in childbirth. Congratulations!
Wow—-you are quite an inspiration!!! Congrats on a beautiful family!!
You are the epitomy of what labor and birthing is all about !! Incredible story and thank you for sharing !! Huge congratulations to u and ur gorgeous family !!! Xxxxx
I just want to say your very strong, keeping twins in at 38eeeks and each weighing a whopping 6lbs, birthing at home with not even if I.v meds. Very inspiring and very beautiful
This is my story and its the first time I’ve read through all of these wonderful comments. Thank you all for your support. No matter were you are in your journey believe in yourself, your body and your babies (baby) Noah and Liam are now 19m old and healthy fun loving guys!!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful birth story. It’s so inspiring to see twins birthed naturally with out pain medication, and to birth both twins breach is amazing.
So incredibly beautiful, thank you so much for sharing. I am moved to tears seeing your beautiful babies be born in such a loving environment. I am so inspired!
This gives me a lot of hope for me. We just found out that we are expecting twins. I’m just over 6 weeks and am in the process of choosing a midwife. First thing my OB wanted was to schedule a Csection and refused to really consider vaginal delivery and she outright refused to allow me to carry them past 38 weeks, even if they want to stay in longer.