The Value of a ‘Failed’ VBAC {I Am Strong}

I am strong because I am the mother of 3 children who inspire me beyond words.
I am strong because I will do anything for them.
I am strong because I had and have a beautiful breastfeeding relationship with my little nursinglings. A time that I love and cherish and always will.
I am strong because all 3 of my children are belly born babies.
I am strong because I attempted VBAC with my daughter.
I am strong because I trusted my instincts and listened to my body and when it was time to admit it wasn’t going to happen I could.
I am strong because I know the value of that “failed” VBAC and what it brought to my life. It was our best birth experience and empowering in its own way.
I am strong because I know its ok to grieve the births we had hoped for and that moment of catching my baby and then seeing each other for the first time.
I am strong because I have faith that God gives me strength.
I am strong because I have a wonderful and supportive husband by my side. As a family we can get through anything.
I am strong because we are strong together as parents and will raise our children the way that’s best for our family whether looked down on or up to.
I am strong because I love my children unconditionally.
I am strong because I am a mother.


Photography by Emmaleigh Travis of CQ Photography.


  • Mandy

    My YDD was also a failed VBAC and yet still empowering. If I ever have another baby I will attempt VBAC again, I just hope I can find just as supportive of a team as I had with my YDD!

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