I am strong because I wasn’t afraid to get pregnant, even though I have Type 1 Diabetes.
I am strong because I have never been healthier than when I was pregnant.
I am strong because I advocated for myself when the nurses said my blood pressure was nothing to worry about.
I am strong because I admitted myself to a hospital 500 km away from my home and my OB.
I am strong because they listened, and diagnosed me with severe preeclampsia at 27+6 weeks.
I am strong because I endured gaining 70 lb in 10 days.
I am strong because I was air transferred back to my home hospital with a blood pressure of 225/125.
I am strong because when they told me my body was shutting down, I accepted the prognosis and asked what can be done.
I am strong because I delivered my 2 lb 9 oz miracle boy by C-section at only 28+4 weeks.
I am strong because I spent 70 days pumping at my son’s bedside.
I am strong because when my 5 month old son started losing weight, I didn’t hesitate to switch him to formula.
I am strong because I want to do it again. I am strong because I want to give my son a sibling. I am strong because I am a mother.