Unplanned home VBAC by Audrey
With my first daughter, I had a long labour which ended in too much hospital intervention and an eventual emergency cesarean. Throughout my second pregnancy I was fixated by my previous labour. I was very frightened of being interfered with again. My midwife was amazing, she gave me her contact number and said to call when I went into labour-we would then take it from there.
I woke at 6 a.m. on the day my second daughter was born. I was having regular pains approximately 15 minutes apart. As my first labour was so long, I assumed this one would be too, so I sent my husband off to work. I called two friends to come and spend the day with me and my two year old.
We spent the day chatting, went for a long walk and had lunch. The pains where intense and regular, approximately every ten minutes. This went on all day. At about 4:30, I sent my friend home as I was fairly sure I was in for an uncomfy, unsettled night.
At five my pains suddenly accelerated. Every five minutes. I took my daughter into the garden and we danced through the contractions! I called my husband home.
My husband arrived home at 6 p.m. By this point I could no longer stand and was crawling in circles. He took our daughter to bed and settled her. As he went upstairs he said, “Call the Midwife. This is it.” I was adamant that this wasn’t it, I was convinced I couldn’t birth naturally. I just couldn’t.
I phoned my midwife who after a brief panted conversation said, “You’re fairly far on…I can tell. I am coming over”. I then called my friend tocome babysit, I thought we were off to hospital. My friend arrived followed by my midwife. It was 7:30.
The midwife examined me. I was 8 cm! She called an ambulance. She had no equipment with her! As I climbed down from the sofa where examination had occurred, my waters broke. Suddenly I was pushing.
The ambulance arrived. The paramedics sat and drank tea in the kitchen with my friend. Forty minutes later I had given birth to my beautiful baby girl. Totally naturally. My first born slept through the whole thing and woke the next day to a baby sister.
It was the most wonderful birth more than I ever dared to hope for.
I’m so glad that they didn’t try to move her while she was pushing…the paramedics here would/have. They’d rather you have that baby in their ambulance on the way to the hospital than safely in your own home. Such ignorance.
That’s wonderful! I am so happy for you! I too had a C-Section with my first and have some anxiety about birthing naturally at home, but reading stories like yours tell me that I can do it.
O I dream of doing this… Way to go mama!
Oh wow. This totally brought tears to my eyes!!! How beautiful!! I am so surprised that the paramedics just chilled while you were in labor !!! 🙂 How COOL of them!!!!!! 🙂 Congratulations!! 🙂
Jennifer @ Natural Parents Network
I love that you were able to just birth at home and they didn’t try to rush you off! Though, I suppose it was an easier decision with a midwife present and some emergency supplies now available (since she didn’t have hers). Isn’t it amazing what our bodies are capable of!?
Sallee Jane Salmon
What an amazing story, this bought a tear to my eye! Congratulations, I think it is a very common feeling to not trust our bodies after a negetive experience such as your first, I remember feeling un-convinced I was in labour the second time also, it seemed so easy…lol
I just love hearing these positive wonderful stories – Great way to start my morning!!! Thanks!!! Enjoy your Baby!!
How wonderful! I am planning a VBAC and dream of a wonderful labor like you had! Thanks for sharing!!
Amazing! My paramedics not only rushed me into the ambulance during pushing, but then held my legs and told me not to push the whole way there! I wish I had had the presence to tell them to shove it! haha
This is a beautiful story, and it sounds like the perfect birth! Congratulations mama!
This is amazing i am pregnant with my second had a baby in jan by c section and i am so so so scared about this birth it was a surprise pregnancy because if it had have been left to me i wouldn’t have had anymore due to.how scared.i am…i wish i could see into the future and see what it holds because the time is dragging cos i am worrying so much but u did amazing well done and.congrats.
Thank you for your story…it bought tears to my eyes 🙂
Amazing! Congrats, Mama! 🙂 I had a cesarean with my daughter, and I’m hoping that the next time around I can do a VBAC with a midwife. She’s so beautiful!
I loved reading your story! Congrats on a wonderful, hands-off labor and delivery, and such a sweet little baby! I too had a c-sec with my first. I am planning a HBAC this time around. Your story was very inspirational and helps me accept that I can do this without intervention at home, something I am still struggling with believing.
So amazing well done to you and babe and wow to the paramedics not interfering 😀 did you (or your hubby) have to tell them to stay away or did they do it of their own accord to leave you alone to birth?
I secretly dream of something like this happening to me. I cried reading your story.
Susan Peterson
Lisa, I dreamed of it for a long time, and I finally did have my home births. Don’t give up!