Next Time I Will Call the Shots – VBAC Home Water Birth {With Pictures}

With my first child I was forced into a c-section and never given the opportunity to labor! The story is that I was 39 weeks, and was told at 40 weeks we would have an ultrasound, schedule an induction, and go from there. Well it turned out my OB NEVER scheduled the induction but rather scheduled a c-section. We went in thinking I was getting induced to find out two hours in I was having a c-section.

When my baby came into this world, I gave him a two-second kiss and he was off to the nursery. I went to recovery begging to go see my baby but I didn’t get to really meet him until he was almost two hours old. He wasn’t allowed to stay in my room with me overnight (hospital rules). I told them he was only going to be breastfed, but they still fed my son formula behind my back. I was wondering why he didn’t want the breast but I didn’t know why until I peeked in and saw for myself.

I was scarred and hurt, not only from that birth experience, but that he wouldn’t latch either. I said next time will be different and I will call the shots.


I had an amazing, empowering home water VBAC. I was diagnosed with CPD, but I pushed out an even bigger baby just fine. It was so beautiful! Daddy caught baby and a month later I am still breastfeeding! I Birthed Without Fear. Your page helped me a lot.

Thanks BWF!




  • Sharon

    Beautiful pictures, so full of emotion! But my goodness what a shocking awful story for your first birth! I am so sorry for all those things that happened to you. Good for you for taking your power back!

  • Aubrey

    People laugh at me–women laugh–when I tell them why I don’t want to birth in a hospital. They assure me that everything is up to me. They tell me that it’s just as easy to have a natural birth there as anywhere else AND safer! I’m having a baby in about six weeks, and I chose a birth center. I want a beautiful, empowering birth like yours. I want to feel and hold and nurse my baby. No one will take him from me; he’s mine to protect. It’s a mother’s heart, her right, her one thought.

  • Bianca

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is so empowering to know there are moms out there who seek out the safest and best options for both them and their babies. I had a wonderful home water birth 6 years ago and was privileged to find the right team to support my birth choices.

    So many moms I speak to are bullied and manipulated with fear tactics to birth in hospitals and are subjected to unnecessary interventions and separation from their newborn babies. I feel so passionate about sharing my experience and preparing mothers for their Home Births and have put together a guide to help first time Home Birthers, you can pick up a copy at

  • Kim

    Wow. Thank you for sharing your inspiring home birth VBAC story. I can’t believe how your first birth happened and I’m sorry it went that way. What a way to reclaim your birth the second time. Our second was also an HBAC and I’m so grateful for the experience. Our little guy ended up actually being born at the hospital in the end, but it was an incredible VBAC experience. Thank you for sharing.

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