• Great Hospital Birth Experiences

    What I love about this, is I can share it on my Blog and with the BWF Community, which is predominately natural birth oriented, and this mama and her births will NOT get torn apart. She will still have support. It hasn’t been easy to build and keep a community of women and the topic of birth compassionate and supportive,…

  • 10 Tips for Parenting Beyond the Only Child

    Catherine Bell was generous for putting together a helpful guest blog post about how to prepare for siblings for the BWF Blog. Having 5 children in 7 years, I know what a struggle it can be to prepare and adjust! Thank you Catherine for showing women there are things they can do to help with this transition! ~Mrs. BWF When…

  • Home Water Birth with Great Pictures!

    This is such a great birth story. This mama is an inspiring example of what our bodies are designed to do. Warning…the pictures are graphic…in an awesome kind of way! ~Mrs. BWF The Water Birth of Noah Well, my due date was April 29th. Apparently, Noah had made note that we were super excited to meet him, because…well…he came early.…

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