This is such a great birth story. This mama is an inspiring example of what our bodies are designed to do. Warning…the pictures are graphic…in an awesome kind of way! ~Mrs. BWF
The Water Birth of Noah
Well, my due date was April 29th. Apparently, Noah had made note that we were super excited to meet him, because…well…he came early. Two weeks early. On April 15th, we went to the store, got some steaks and corn on the cob for dinner, came home, cooked, ate, then I showered and got Cody ready for bed. I climbed in bed with the hubby, turned on a movie, and just relaxed. Around 10:30 or so, I thought I felt a small contraction in my lower belly, but kind of just ignored it since I went past my due date with my first. I definitely didn’t expect to be having a baby the next morning.
I leaned over to grab my water off the nightstand, when I felt like I peed myself. I knew I didn’t, because I just know that sensation and this was different. It didn’t gush, but I said to Nate, “Uhhh, I think my water just broke”. He told me not to be so paranoid, but I knew something was different!.
I got up and it started leaking down my legs. I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet where I leaked even more. I checked the fluid in the toilet, and saw that it was clear, with some vernix in it, and knew it was my water that had broken. At this point, Nate was kind of getting really nervous…I could tell. I didn’t have any contractions, but knew they would soon follow.
We tried laying down for awhile, but then the contractions started. Nate got up, dressed, and started pulling out our homebirth supplies, (rough the pool to the living room, etc.). I set up the playpen in our room for when he was born. Contractions were never “sporadic”. They had been sitting around 3-4 minutes apart, and lasting 35-45 seconds.
I called my midwife on call around 12:30 and told her what was up. She said she was packing up her car,and she’d be heading over. Both midwives arrived at the same time- shortly after 1. They set everything up and we all kind of just hung out and got some rest in between contractions.
They kept having me sit on the toilet, backwards, so that it would help him drop more, and open me up. My lord, I had SO MUCH back labor, I nearly cried a few times. This was way more intense when sitting on the toilet, but I knew it would make things go faster, so I hung out in there for awhile. Nate sat by me the entire time, was always asking me if he could help me at all, bringing me my drink, etc. I KNOW he was mildly freaking out and had NO idea what to expect. Needless to say, he was absolutely amazing from start until end.
Finally, around 4:30 or so, I was having constant pressure, so they started to prepare the pool. Nate boiled some water to add to the pool since we had filled it way early! I was finally able to get in around 5, maybe a little later. It felt SO amazing to get into the water. I had been wanting to get in ALL night, lol. I was getting a little worried, because my contractions *seemed* to slow down,but then they got really intense. I had this horrible, horrible pain, and was still in HORRIBLE back labor.
At this point, Nate stood back a little, since he is really queasy about blood/ placenta/ etc. They had me feel how close his head was, and I didn’t even feel like I was dilated, but I felt his head. Then, LOTS of pressure. The midwives were so far away from me, I was thinking “what do i do??!!” inside my head. I felt his head coming, and just pushed down really hard. Then even more pressure, and I kept pushing.
His head came out, and I could not even believe I made it that far. They had me guide him out all by myself, which was THE most amazing feeling in the world. I guided his shoulders out, and then caught my angel. His cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times, but he had a really long cord, so they just slid it right off. The only thing I could say was, “oh my god, oh my god”.
He was born sunnyside up, which was why I had back labor, and my contractions were MUCH more painful than I remembered with Cody. I saw his face right when his head came out, and felt like I was in a dream. My baby was looking at me as I birthed him- what a wonderful feeling. I’d say it was a lot more memorable than I could have even thought.
After he was born I bonded with him, then we got out of the tub. I delivered the placenta and went to my bed. I didn’t tear at all. Just a few minor cuts. I nursed him, he latched like a champ and nursed for a good 35 minutes before getting weighed and measured. He weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 5/8inches long. He was born at 5:45am, and guess who walked out right after? Big brother. I was so glad he slept through the actual birth. He was SO excited to see his baby brother. He kept saying “Baby Naoh come out in pool?” (he calls him nay-oh, lol).
After the midwives packed up and left, Noah and I rested, and poor Nate was stuck cleaning up the bloody mess. He had the hardest time emptying the pool. It was awful. I felt so bad and I was freaking useless, lol. Cody *was* at the neighbors, but the guy left his door open, and Cody saw Nate when he was taking stuff to the dumpster, and came back home. Thanks, neighbors!
Overall, this was an absolutely amazing experience and I am so lucky I was able to do it. It was painful, I will not lie, but it was SO worth it. It’s still so unreal to me. Noah is absolutely perfect.
Gorgeous. I wish I felt comfortable in a position amenable to catching my own babies, but the only way I like to labour is on my knees, resting my head on my arms. It’s moot now, we’ve had our babies and that’s it, but I still wistfully wish I could have done what you did.
No matter! Three gorgeous births later, easier each time, I am lucky to have had them 🙂
Congratulations Mum, what a beautiful baby boy and an inspiring story! Well done!
Jamie Buckland
Great story 🙂 My home birth is planned and ready to go for my little Elsie who is due to arrive sometime at the end of this month. I’m measuring right at 39 weeks now, so we are just playing the waiting game. This will be my first home birth, so I’m slightly nervous, but terribly excited! I’ve been blogging about it at http://www.jamiebuckland.com under “blahg”. Anyway, wanted to say I have two other children, 10 and 8, and my 8 year old was posterior, sunny side up, as well. The labor was excruciating and I’m doing all the forward facing, tilting, non-slouching I can do to try to get this baby to turn the right. way…However, I’m already feeling pains shooting down my buttox and hips and am thinking she may have made up her mind to be posterior as well. Either way, she will be born, and hopefully, I will be glad I was at home doing it naturally and able to move around vs in the hospital laying flat on my back like last time! Did you have any signs he was posterior before he was delivered? Were the midwives able to tell?
Yes, they knew, by his heart tones changing, but they didn’t tell me until a few days later, lol. They didn’t want to “worry me”, haha.
Thank you so much for being so gracious and sharing.
Wow amazing and congrats on your growing family!!! Thank you for sharing the birth with us!!
Amazing pics! I planned on having a water birth with no drugs, ended up in hospital with an epidural and vontuse as bubs was posterior and getting stressed.
Amazing story and pics! Thanks so much for sharing!
Sarah Slette
I love the older son in the background of the last pic. Priceless.
We used the same pool! =) If you set up a siphon, it makes it easy to empty. Stick a hose in the pool from outside (through a door or window). Run water back into the pool through the hose so there is no air in the hose. Set the hose down, and it will empty the pool almost completely. My dad showed my hubby how to do it.
Love home birth stories of posterior babies being born without need for transfer, ect. My 1st was a c-section for a breech baby and I hear soo many horror stories of posterior labors and it scares me to death! My 2nd baby was a well positioned baby that I delivered at a birth center (my VBAC). I’m 34 weeks preparing for a home birth and I sooo dread a posterior baby! But you give me hope that it can still be done… just another variation!
Jackie McCain
Wonderful story!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I have 4. All natural home birth in water. HURTS like crap.
LOVED your story. Thank you so much for sharing!