It just so happens to be World Breastfeeding Week! Here are more BWF Mama breastfeeding pictures to celebrate.
Here is one of my favorite nursing pics! My friend Morgan tandem nursing. Picture by Mae Burke Photography for her “In Mama’s Arm’s” project.
This sweet picture is Kim and her bubba Treya.
ย Magen nursing her son Samuel Thor straight out of the birthing tub.
Another one by Mae Burke Photography. Mama Jeanine nursing her adorable, squishy 3 month old. I love it.
Yes, this is what a breast can look like when first nursing…bigger than babies heads and veins showing. Ha! Thank you Genet for sharing.
Maegen sent in this picture of her little one nursing while sister cuddles with mom and her sibling. Breastfeeding is normal and when our children see us doing it they will know that is what they will do. They won’t even question it.
Helen nursing her 10 month old after a long day at the pool.
These next few pictures are of the lovely Kaci taken by Sarah Carlson Photography. Pictures taken in downtown Forth Worth, Texas. Go mama! Kacie also created the Breastfeeding Awareness Flash Mobbers in the DFW area.
These 2 pictures are great. Shows that you can nurse a baby in a carrier and in different ways! We love diversity! ๐ Thank you Verity for sending these in.
Just one more for now. Jessica nursing her beautiful 19 month old son.
I just love my BWF Mamas. I miss you! If you haven’t had enough yet…part 3 coming out soon.
Brittany J
I <3 these!
Love Love Love breastfeeding is so great we have to get that word out there!~!!!!
Happy World Breastfeeding Week!!!! ๐
We miss you too!!!!! : o)
I have loved seeing these. I wish I had realized how truly beautiful breast feeding is when I was nursing my first. I only took I think 2 pictures of me nursing him, and I only took them because I was showing some mama’s on my pregnancy forum how I nursed him in my Moby Wrap. I cannot wait for this baby to come so I can start nursing again and really appreciate it this time. We had a lot of problems last time and it was hard, so I never fully appreciated it. I never gave up, but it was never that super special bonding time for us that it should have been. So much will be different with this baby, I just can’t wait! And I will definitely get pictures nursing this one!
Susan Peterson
I got a let down reflex looking at some of these, and I haven’t nursed a baby for almost 20 years. (I am 61, my youngest of 9 is 21 almost 22, and she nursed until she was two and a bit.) I still have a feeling that if I put a baby to my breast and it sucked, there would soon be milk there!
I <3 all the bfing mamas!
I love these!!! I wish I had pictures of me nursing my kids while cooking, but generally when that happens there’s no on else around! Maybe with this LO (due in about 5 weeks) I’ll get someone to take those photos!
Aww looking at these pictures makes me sad my 13 month old isn’t breastfeeding anymore ๐ she weaned herself around 2 months ago mostly (I think) because I’m pregnant!
Me too! My little girl self weaned at 16 months, the exact week I became pregnant again – just flat out refused. She knew before we did! This pics make me so look forward to feeding the bubba inside though. Breastfeeding is such a lovely time.
How do we submit BF pictures?
Mrs. BWF
You can email birthwithoutfear@gmail.com ๐
Beautiful! I got some pictures of my first son breastfeeding, but not as many as I wish I had. I thought for sure he’d wean while I was pregnant, but he’s a determined little guy! ๐ He hung in there, even when I had to severely reduce our nursing due to pain and hormones. At 2 years 10.5 months, he’s not showing any sign of weaning and I’m nursing his 6 month old brother too. Especially after #2 was born, #1 LOVED (still loves) to nurse at the exact same time, so we got some good photo ops. ๐ If I can find them, I’ll send a couple in. It’s getting a bit crowded, with the baby so much bigger, but he still makes it work when it’s necessary. ๐