A Husband’s Support in Labor…

…Should Never Be Underestimated. ~Mrs. BWF

“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.”~Proverb

birth support

*Picture sent in by Leah Celentano


  • Amy

    So so true BWF.

    My husband was an absolute Godsend in labor with both our girls.

    In fact whenever i feel sick or tired or overwhelmed there is NOTHING like closing my eyes, burying my head in his neck and shoulder, breathing in his smell and feeling his arms and hands on and around my back and shoulders <3 peace, bliss and quiet in that moment. It's really very amazing the power of a supportive loving husband who knows how to touch and hold you in just the right way to make all well with the world in that moment <3

  • Wendy

    I, too, am blessed with a wonderful, supportive husband. He was incredible during my 35 hour first birth, and the “precipitous labor” of our second child. He was, and continues to be, someone I can lean on when I’m feeling at my worst. And he’s the most amazing father ever!

  • Jamie Lynn

    My husband, in particular, was my Protector while I was in labor. I was giving birth unassisted, and my mom decided to let herself in my house to try and intervene. She didn’t get much more than a few steps inside – he wouldn’t let her past and got her to leave pretty quickly without a fight.

    Because we wouldn’t let her in, she ended up calling the cops (not sure when), because they were knocking on our door right after I had delivered the placenta, cut the cords, and wrapped the babies up in their own blankets. Again, he protected me/us. I wouldn’t allow the policemen to come in, so he went out on the porch (in the middle of December, brrrrr) and talked to them while I held our newborn twins, and after a few minutes, they left.

    I do not like to be touched during labor, so he quietly relaxed on the loveseat next to me the entire time I labored. When it came time to push the babies out, he dutifully caught each one without being asked to (I wanted him to) and without me even telling him I was actually giving birth. Just came over and laid towels under me when the time came. He was amazing. <3

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