“Just wanted to send a huge thank all of you for your support over the last few months! On December 1st at 2:41 am, I gave birth at home to a beautiful baby boy. He weighed in at 8lbs 9oz and we are all doing great. You all were an integral part not only in having a successful (and fulfilling!) home VBAC, but in encouraging me to trust my instincts to let baby come when he needed to! He was born at 42 weeks 2 days. Thanks for your support!” ~Kati
Edited to add: “My first birth was a c section after a failed four day induction due to pre eclampsia…born at 39 weeks. The birth date? December 1st! It made this HBAC at 42wks 2 days all the more sweet! The labour was 38 hours, so when labour began we certainly didn’t think we would make it into December! What a story to tell them about why and how they share a birthday!”
He’s beautiful! Congratulations!
Way to go mama! So proud of you!
This is amazing. I had wanted to do a home birth after watching The Business of Being Born, but since I didn’t see it til 37 weeks into my pregnancy, the midwifery would not take me. And of course, after the induction, I ended up with an emergency c-section. HBAC is not practiced in my area, which is unfortunate. I actually didn’t think it was parcticed AT ALL until I spoke with my friend (who is 6 weeks pregnant with her second, YAY!!) who had an emergency c-section and now wants to do HBAC. I am definitely going to look into this more, now that I know it’s possible. Thank you for the inspiration, and CONGRATS on your gorgeous baby boy!!
Mandy Campbell
I am so proud of you Kati! You definitely deserved this amazing home experience and natural birth with Julian. You have always been so strong in my eyes, but this surpasses everything. You went with what you felt was best for your baby and that is impressive!! I think you are phenomenal! Congratulations!!!