“I delivered my second daughter on December 18, my due date and her older sister’s second birthday! We started the birth at home and was planning on delivering there, but complications in pushing took landed me in the hospital. Thanks to the ride there, I was able to have the VBAC I wanted – six pushes and she was on my chest and nursing like a champ. So thankful for the miracle of birth and the opportunity to yell during my pushes, “I’M NOT BROKEN!!!”.
They told me after the cesarean birth of my first daughter that I would never birth a child larger than her. She was 8lbs 5oz. Well, Teaghan was 9lbs 2oz, posterior, and acynclitic, and I did it! Couldn’t have done it without your site. After my c-section, I was devastated, but the information and support I was able to access through your Facebook page and website made the difference. Thanks for everything!”
Jenny K
That. Is awesome.
Kudos to you mama!!
Tomi V.
Congratulations & inspiring!
You yelling, “I’m not broken!” during pushing put a major lump in my throat! Good for you girl! That picture is priceless.
Amy medwin
Oh girl, I can’t believe you are here sharing your amazing story ! One of the most amazing births I have been privileged to witness…. You rock !
LOVE this! “I AM NOT BROKEN!” <3!!! Way to go momma, your story is an inspiration!
Abbey R
BEAUTIFUL!!! WE are not broken!!! Congratulations in so many ways!
You are a very powerful woman. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Karen Joy
That is so, so wonderful. Good job, Mama!!
Omg im welling up! ive had the same with my first she was emergency section and it tore me apart cos id planned a natural birth and was doing so well, then at 6cms it all went wrong 🙁 but we r planning our 2nd this year and im determined to have a vbac and stories like urs make me even more determined!! congrats wat a fantastic birth!!! xxx
Shelley Dobbin (Beautiful Birth)
Good on you Katharine!
I admire you!
You certainly are NOT broken!
I hope you will go back and visit the doctor who said you will never birth a bigger baby than your first to tell him exactly what you did – BIRTHED YOUR BABY! 🙂
Re-sharing on Beautiful Birth now 😉
Everyday Miracle Doula
Awesome!! Just awesome!!! Inspriational mama!! You’re a rock star x
Congratulations Katharine! What an amazing story.
I challenge anyone who believes birth is simply a means to an end to read that, and say it doesn’t matter.
Well done, and enjoy your beautiful babe. x
GREAT work Mama!!!
Love this! so proud of you!
This story brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations, your story is inspirational!
Susan Roque
Katherine you are one of my favorite “Zena Birth Warrior Princesses”. God’s presence was palpable in that room and your faith in him, yourself and your husband rewarded you both with the experience of a lifetime. I was blessed to be a part. Your experience not only empowered you but will live on to empower and inspire others to keep the faith and be as equally rewarded at the end of their journey. God bless you and all your beautiful family.
Great work Mama! You are definitely not broken! 🙂