Julie sent in the following announcement. Just lovely.
“I had my HBAC on 13 December and gave birth to our son, Kanoa Wolf, in the loving familiarity of our own home. it was not an easy birth as I pushed for 6 hours! but i did it; my midwives were ANGELIC, my husband was a rock, and my baby stayed strong and relaxed throughout. Thank you so much to the BWF Community for infusing me with so much positivity throughout my pregnancy! Birth story to follow soon!”
“Here are a few pictures, unfortunately the most beautiful ones are totally blurry, and that’s sadly all we have in documentation of the moments right after birth. I also want to mention that my HBAC was a very healing experience for me, and every time i think about it, almost 4 weeks later, I still feel high and totally in love with everyone and everything that was around me during that experience. Thank you again, BWF Community, for the invaluable support, sharing, and source of information you were during my pregnancy! I am still always reading your blog!”
U r really a powerful women going thro what u went thro. I applaud you. Congradulations on ur blessing!
Oh that high is amazing isn’t it! Everytime i think back to my hba2c 14 weeks ago i feel it all over again. Congrats mama so glad you got that healing birth you deserve!
thank you so so much! congratulations, jenna on your hba2c! healing is exactly what it was. i am so grateful for so much!
Amazing! And beautiful baby! Congrats!
How utterly beautiful. You are amazing and so inspiring! Thank-you for sharing. Have a happy life together.
Joyful Baby
Wow! Congrats! Thankfully you had supportive midwives surrounding you and they let birth take place naturally even though it took awhile.
Mrs Mac
That high *NEVER* goes away, I had my HBA1C in 2006 and still to this day I am high on having it, a second HBA1C followed in 2008 too.
A huge congradulations Mama. Your sheer faith in your body got you this far, you never ever give up hope and faith <3 Well Done.