*It is not advised to freebirth a breech baby at home. If you choose to have an unassisted birth, be prepared and have back up plans. Unassisted birth is not for everyone.*
I have 5 kids, but these are pictures of Cricket, my 4th natural birth, my 2nd UC. Enjoy!~Laura
*These pictures and this couple’s birth are beautiful and I am grateful they have shared them with us. Breech birth is another variation of ‘normal’. This couple chose to birth their baby at home as they felt it was best for. If you have a breech baby, please note there are different complications that can arise. Many babies will turn in time for birth, but some remain breech. Talk with your care provider about the risks and benefits regarding a cesarean or vaginal birth. Do your own research and make an informed decision with the support of your care provider. If you feel a vaginal birth is best, make sure you have a competent care provider who is skilled and knowledgeable in assisting a breech baby.
Kristin Gray
Those are amazing. <3
Samantha Bice
Wow! Who says a baby can’t come out footling? Every OB needs to see these pictures, and more like it.
Those are great. Thanks for sharing.
Ah! Thank you!
So amazing! Thank you for Sharing!
Everyday Miracle Doula
Awesome!! Did you know you baby was a footling prior to labour?
Kristy Alger
totally amazing, beautiful, awe inspiring, and maakes me want to have another baby!
Laura Gilkey
These pics make me speechless
Awesome baby-catcher dad there, and super-awesome mama! Thank you to this family for sharing.
Shelley Dobbin (Beautiful Birth)
LOVE these pics!
Thanks so much for sharing!
I LOVE breech birth! (Our 2nd son was breech and it felt amazing)! 🙂
beautiful! very empowering pics
Wow, I’ve never seen photos of a breech birth before now. My youngest was breech until 37 weeks & they were planning on ECV & then c-section if baby didn’t turn. I was terrified & was made feel like there was no other option. I’m a high-risk pregnancy so the safest place in my eyes & everyone elses was in hospital but I wasn’t happy with the idea of being sectioned when I COULD deliver naturally. Thankfully baby turned in time & I didn’t have to face a fight with the consultants x
You are INCREDIBLE !!!!
My twin sister and I were both born breech! Yes, it can be more difficult and have different dangers, but it isn’t a blown deal to birth naturally 🙂
Amazing, powerful, inspiring!! Thank you.
Flimzy Klimzy Slimzy
WOW.That was awesome.