Here are 2 pictures of my daughter’s breech birth. I had a vaginal hospital birth of with twins, and my daughter (baby B) was breech. My doctor was incredible and patiently waited for her to do her thing, but she ended up needing a little assistance as she didn’t want to tuck her chin.
I am so grateful that I had such a supportive doctor, and an incredible birth team.
Is it just me, or is baby tee-teeing in the first photo? Would make it an even more awesome shot if she were :)!
Moonlight Doula
Baby is definitely peeing all over that doc 🙂 I know the photographer of this pic
Cole Deelah
She is peeing on the doc! 🙂 I’m the photographer, and let me tell you – this was an AWESOME birthing mama and babies! <3
Hahaha, sweet girl peeing on the dr!! That’s so funny. <3
Breech babies like to pee on the way out. Super common but still funny 🙂
I think that is AMAZING ! Congrats to you and your babies 🙂
Great pics! That doc should be given a Medal of Honor for allowing you a vaginal breech birth 🙂 so happy for you!