I Will Birth My Baby {Out Of My Vagina!}


I am STRONG because I spent 9. 5 years since my first babies traumatic birth educating myself and becoming informed. 7. 5 years since my sons unnecessary, failed induction leading to my second cesarean, I learnt to trust my body.

I am STRONG because I knew I wanted a VBA2C, I also wanted a Homebirth as I had wanted to with my 1st, but I also knew I would have Gestational Diabetes. When I fell pregnant I chose to have my care done through the same hospital I’d had my traumatic birth in. I endured ‘dead baby’ cards & doubt, until one day I stood up for myself and told them enough was enough. I wrote a letter stating I am an informed woman making informed choices, in the best interests of myself and my baby I have chosen a VBA2C. From that day on my choices were respected.

I am STRONG because I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes as expected. I changed my lifestyle for my baby from the very start of my pregnancy to minimise any adverse outcomes for when my blood sugars would rise. I was told I would birth a big baby, but knew through research this wasn’t correct for my strict controlled Gestational Diabetes.

I am STRONG because I pricked my finger 6 times per day & injected insulin 4 times per day after diet & exercise alone didn’t work.

I am STRONG because I was told under hospital policy I was to have a repeat cesarean at 38 weeks because of Gestational Diabetes. I declined. My Gestational Diabetes was strictly under control and my babies well being tests were perfect. I spent all of my time researching studies, and the lack of. I knew I was making the best decision for myself and my baby.

I am STRONG because I spent week 40 crying, doubting my bodies ability to go into labour on it’s own, I surrendered and let go the day before I went into labour. I am very STRONG because I had reached 41 weeks, I had never laboured before. My body went into labour on it’s own & I rocked it!

I ROARED my baby out of my vagina after 4 hours of labour into the water. I Birthed my baby out of my Vagina, at HOME, at 41 weeks, after 2 previous cesareans, with Gestational Diabetes, to a very healthy 7lbd 7oz baby girl who had a beautifully healthy placenta.

I am STRONG because in 2011 I had a breast reduction and had 2kgs taken out of my breasts, unsure if I would be able to Breastfeed I sought out Donor Breast Milk, I wanted to give my baby the best start in life & believed donor milk was the next best thing to my own. I bought an SNS so I could breastfeed. I have 20 litres in my freezer, thank you to those wonderful mums.

I am STRONG because I am not special, I am just an informed woman who did what she believed was the best for herself and her baby. I believed in myself and didn’t let the fears of others overcome me. I refused to make decisions without evidence & it led me to a beautiful calm POWERFUL birth at home surrounded by love.

– Mel





  • Laurie Washburn

    Congratulations on standing up for yourself and your baby and telling those doctors you knew what you were doing! I love that you researched and trusted your body and used your mama-sense to know what was best for your child.

    I am planning for my first birth January 2014 (natural, mid-wife, whole 9 yards 😉 ) and can’t wait ROAR by baby out of my vagina! I’ll be thinking of those words when my time comes!

  • Katt

    I have to say you are an inspiration. Your story brought tears to my eyes and you really are strong! Way to go mama 🙂 I am planning the same outcome for my next baby. My daughter was born via c-section because she was breech

  • Lindsay

    The last paragraph is the one I love. If every woman would just take the time and be informed I believe the face of mainstream birthing would change drastically.

    • Erica

      I absolutely agree. An informed women will always make the decision that’s best for her and her baby. It’s not about where. It’s not about how… It’s about knowing your body and being informed.

  • Susan Courtney

    I cried when I read your birth story – I cried tears of anger for the wrongs done to you during your pregnancies and tears of joy for your beautiful, healing and empowering HBA2C. I too had a traumatic hospital birth and then last year, just over 10 years later, I also had a healing and empowering homebirth in only 6 hours in our spa (against mainstream medical advice).

    The most damaging part of a traumatic birth is the way it undermines your belief in your own body and your confidence in your ability to birth your babies. And the constant scaremongering while you’re pregnant including as you stated playing the ‘dead baby cards’, is incredibly difficult to deal with and equates to malpractice by so called ‘medical professionals’ as far as I am concerned.

    Like most women, you and I were obviously well designed to give birth – Mother Nature is pretty amazing and so are women. Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations on the wonderful birth of your beautiful daughter 🙂

  • Laura

    I am wondering how you found a midwife who would deliver a baby to a diabetic mommy (and a vbac to boot)! I have type 1 and this is #2 for us, my first was an induction which ended up being a traumatic vacuum-assisted birth and almost c-section. This time, our baby is still breech at 37-28 weeks and is measuring large and I have been told that I will most likely have a c-section. I am pretty certain there isn’t a midwife in my town who would be willing to vaginally deliver a large breech baby to a diabetic mommy…and I know for certain my OB (although she is wonderful) will not consider it.

    • crystal

      it sounds to me that she was given care through the hospital, but when the time came she birthed at home, you dont need to have a mid wife to birth at home, and i agree most here wouldnt take a case such as this either, due to thier licence being on the line, with my first i wanted an at hm water birth, i had no reason for them to think i was a risk, and still couldnt seem to find one to help me birth the way i had imagined, i moved to oregon 7 or 8 mo prego and they have a hospital and a couple birthing suites that offer what i desired.

    • Penny

      Websters technique with a chiropractor, and preferably a Gonstead method chiro if possible-or one with Webster experience. Babies, unless really short cords, move with Webster. You can do this. Draw your lines and ask Doula’s and others in your area to demand the birth you want! You can do this! It IS possible! Travel if you have to! It’s that important!

    • Beth

      Laura what area are you in? You could also go on google and look up find midwife. other thought is going to the NARM websites and they could also help. hope this helps in some ways

  • Crystal

    What a wonderful story! I also had a VBA2C 1.5years ago and I plan to do the same in august when I will hopefully give birth vaginally to twins!

    Best wishes to you and your family!

  • Steph B

    You are amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing your amazing story! Every woman should read this! You rocked it Mama! So proud of you! Wonderfully amazing!

  • Madyson

    I have read many stories on this blog, each so special and unique, but this one really hit home for me. I am controlled Type 1 diabetic and blindly followed protocol to birth my son 11 months ago; which lead to a c-section, a gnarly recovery and a very difficult breastfeeding relationship (possibly due to the fact they gave him formula in the nursery, even though they said his blood sugars were fine, “just to be safe”). I have spent hours upon hours educating myself for when I get pregnant with our second child, and hope beyond all hope I can have a similar experience to yours. Thank you for sharing your empowering story. It sparked a light in me that I can do it, too!

  • Laura

    Wow, I think this is the MOST inspirational birth story I’ve EVER read!!! I’m so proud of you for sticking to your guns and not letting the ‘system’ ruin your birth! Still teary eyed over here!!

  • Andie

    Seeing VBAC stories keep my hopes high for when I have my next baby. 🙂 We are planning for another year or two before we start trying for another, but I want to have a VBAC (or an HBAC) with my next.

  • Monica

    Wonderfully inspiring! …. This story helped me to realize that after a first traumatic birth of my own experience, and now being six months pregnant, I need to find my confidence again. This story helps me know that I have had a vaginal birth and I can do it again. I just need to get past my trauma and regain confidence in myself. If you can do it so can I! That is what I take away from your story. Thank you for sharing.

  • Kerry P

    “Roared” lol love that 🙂 So I see the pic of you nursing, what is that bottle looking thing around your neck? I didn’t know you could get donor milk, very cool!!

    • Milla

      The bottle around her neck is a Supplemental Nursing System or SNS. They are awesome. You can’t see it in the photo but there is a thin flexible plastic tube taped to her breast, and the end of the tube extends slightly beyond the nipple.

      This apparatus is great for those with a physiological problem like breast reduction surgery, those who are trying to nurse adopted babies, etc. It allows your baby to stimulate your breast to produce as much milk as realistically possible, while relieving the stress of wondering if she is getting enough nourishment even if your body is not yet fully providing for her, and the baby gets the benefit of closeness, being held and getting at least some of her mom’s own milk. Some women are even able to stimulate their supply enough that they can stop using the SNS completely. This amazing mother is using it to ensure that her previous breast reduction doesn’t come between her and a wonderful nursing relationship with her little girl. The SNS allows you to monitor your supply quite closely. In the beginning your body might not produce much, so the bottle will be almost empty after each feed, but as your supply increases, more will be left over in the bottle.

      The World Health Organization declares that the the first best feeding method for babies is exclusive breast milk directly from the breast, the second is expressing your own milk and feeding it to your baby from a bottle or cup, third is feeding your baby donor breast milk from a bottle or cup, and a distant fourth is formula feeding. I would personally change that order a bit and make the second best option to donor breast milk combined with an SNS, then third would be donor breast milk from a bottle or cup, fourth would be formula combined with an SNS, and only in extreme cases would bottle formula feeding be my last resort.

      I think the SNS is a totally undervalued piece of simple equipment amongst all the expensive and useless baby gadgets we spend our hard-earned money on. I’m sure more people would give it a go if they only knew about the option.

      Well done to this amazing woman who has her priorities straight!

  • Rene

    I’m 38 weeks pregnant & in the same kind of boat. It’s been 9 years since I had my son who I was convinced to have a cesarian with (he was born with CDH and passed away at 6 months… not relating to labor complications, but I still felt cheated out of the experience). My OBGYN has scheduled me to have an induction next Friday at 39 weeks and I have declined. I have gestational diabetes too but have been able to manage it with diet, however they have tried to scare me in all kind of ways but I am trying to stay strong. I’ve been crying every day for the past few days. Reading this has given me inspiration and I trust that my body can birth this baby vaginally. I want to do it at home too. Thank you.

  • Christina

    I love this story. I had my 9 lb 11 oz baby girl via c-section this past January. I did not have gestational diabetes either so I cannot imagine how big she might have been if I had. I am interested in learning where donor breast milk can be bought. I tried my hardest to breast feed my daughter exclusively and after just 2 weeks I completely dried up and never produced another drop so if I ever have another one donor breast milk sounds like a good option for someone like me. Congratulations on the birth of your baby the natural way 🙂 It sounds like you did amazingly

  • Amanda Sandoval

    I LOVE this story! It is similar to my own 🙂 I had an emergency c-section with my first, which I later realized could have been prevented if I had been proactive about my posterior baby, if I had waited to go to the hospital, if I had questioned/declined the offer to break my waters considering my baby was posterior (I didn’t realize it increased the risk of cord prolapse which is exactly what happened). I had an HBAC in December 2012 after getting scare tactics and wrong data from many doctors. I have been exclusively breast feeding my daughter for almost 7 months now and I had a breast reduction in 2011, removing nearly 4lbs of breast tissue. We need more encouraging stories like yours out there!

  • Sandi Thompson

    I was meant to read your story and when I did, I cried from relief and how similar our stories are. Early 90’s I had a breast reduction, then found out I was pregnant, and I had complications with the reduction. Had a c-section October 93 (w/ spinal block & my spine was nicked that meant another procedure to patch my spinal cord), Feb 94 had corrective surgery for my reduction and found out I was pregnant again and had a vbac in Nov. 94 (w/ 5 failed attempts for an epidurial, deliveried without it). 98 another c-section, ’00 & ’02 vbacs (all natural; best delivery and easiest recovery). Well, after 7 years I was pregnant again, gestational diabetes with all my pregnancies, and yes I was pressured into a c-section for the 3rd time, I was lied to by the doctor with statistics used to scare me & my husband. It was my worst delivery and hardest to recover from, but I was able to nurse for 22 mouths. Now, I am pregnant again and I am being allowed to have a vbac. I stood-up for my right to a vbac, I have had 1 c-section in 15 years.
    Thank you for your story…off to read your story about gestation diabetes

  • Ashley

    Thank you so much for this post. I’m currently 38 weeks along and am going for a VBAC. I was induced with my first as well, so I’ve been battling those same thoughts of “will my body go into labor???”
    But, God is good and I know I will birth this baby out of my vagina.

    Thanks again!

  • Camie

    I absolutely love reading stories like these. I am in a similar situation. I have had two C Sections the first one was because I labored for 20 hours and my son got stuck and the second one was because I was scared into it. I was told the chances of me or my baby dying was way higher then having a repeat C Section. I plan on getting pregnant again in the next couple of years and I desperately want to have a vaginal delivery and I would love to do it at home. Where can you get good information on VBA2C? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • aleza

    Find a midwife without a license if thats the only reason they wont do it. I have an unlicensed midwife. She learned through apprenticeship, and is just as good as a licensed midwife, maybe better because she has no strings attached.

  • saaw

    you give me hope.. i have had 2 c sections. thank you.. i will keep your words with me. thank you for the hope!

  • Trista

    Thank you for this. I just completed my 3 hour glucose screening and am pretty sure I’ll be told that I do, in fact, have gestational diabetes. My fear was that they would try to induce me or force me to have a c-section. Your helped me to realize that I can stand up for myself and my baby.

  • Melanie

    All of these comments are so touching. Thank you for all of your kind words & I am so glad to read that other women are standing up for their rights to choose the birth in which is right for them and their babies. I will be sure to post some links soon xx

  • Terry

    I would like to say all you natural delivery mommas you are awesome!! My 4ft 11in grandmother had 15 vaginal births! Absolutely no pain meds! She is an amazing woman like all of you. I personally had two planned C-sections for no medically necessary reason at all, I personally just didn’t feel the need to feel the process. I had no need to “roar” no one scared me into it, it just wasn’t for me. C-sec was always my 1st choice. The biggest research for me was circumcise or don’t! I have 2 healthy brilliant boys. I healed very well and fast and all is right with the world! Congrats to all of you enjoy those kids and good luck with those teen years!! 😀 my 1st is 18 yrs old and off to college in 2 weeks!

  • Holly C.

    Breathtakingly strong!! Thank you so much for staring your story! I am 3 months postpartum. I had a planned homebirth which resulted in a very traumatic cesarean. I cry everyday about my loss, my daughter’s experience coming into this world, and the fight to be with my daughter post surgery. When I experience a triumph, such as yours, I will post it here – to share with the world. Thank you!!! And yay for breastmilk!!

  • christa

    OMG. I’m so proud of you and I don’t even know you.. tears poured down my cheeks as I watched you ROAR! What a beautiful story, thanks for the inspiration!

  • Julie

    This is an inspiration to me!!! I had similar experiences, crying at week 40 doubting my body’s ability to go into labor on its own. My OB demanding I induce since week 38 and I fought him off until Week 44. After that, we induced – and failed – and ended in a c-section after 44 hours in the hospital. Second baby I finally went into labor on my own, yet still ended in a c-section. Deep down I knew I’d have had an easier time laboring in a birthing tub in my home. This time around I am determined to BIRTH THIS BABY FROM MY VAGINA! Thank you for sharing your story. Do you have any tips? I will definitely be getting my own birthing tub for my home to labor in this time around.

    • Mel

      Oh Julie, how very beautiful your strength and courage to go through everything you have.Yes you will! Some of my biggest tips are to choose your birth team wisely,perhaps hire a Doula. Learn everything there is to learn about physiological birth (it sounds like you have :D) See a chiropractor specializing in Webster at least once a month.
      My biggest tip.Believe! Believe in yourself,your body and your baby and surrender.
      I wish you all of the best.I would love to her your story when you have had your baby (If you haven’t already)
      Blessings for a beautiful birth xx

  • Melanie

    Fabulous! And thank u! I’m currently pregnant with my fifth. My first two were born naturally, my second two were born by csection because of their breech presentation. After my 4th, my OB said to me after leaving the office, “you know no.5 will have to be a repeat csection”. Didn’t think much of it at the time, because truthfully I didn’t think there would be a no.5. But here we are! And there is no way I’m going to have another csection (unless absolutely necessary!). I am only going back to my OB (whom I haven’t seen yet) on my ‘conditions’. I will be allowed to attempt a vba2c! I think I am a perfect candidate, especially since I’ve birthed two children. The only thing that worries me at the moment is that there will only be 17 months in between. But I still want to be able to choose how to give birth and not let someone tell me! It’s my body! Thank u for your words of encouragement 🙂 wish me luck

    • Mel

      Melanie, you have done it before and you know you can do it again! I wish you all the best of luck and would love to hear your story. I wish you amazing luck in finding the support you need.
      Mel xx

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