I am strong because after 5 years of TTC, I became pregnant with a set of twins.
I am strong because after fighting to keep them in, I went into labor at 32 weeks and had to have a c/s.
I am strong because they were in the NICU for over a month and a half, fighting for normal breathing and heartbeats.
I’m strong because I provided breast milk for them exclusively.
I am strong because after latching problems at 5 months, I continued to pump for the next year to provide them the benefits of exclusive breast milk.
I am strong because 10 hours after weaning them, I found out I was pregnant again.
I am strong because a week later I found out I was having twins again.
I’m strong because I fought, and fought hard for a VBAC with second set of twins.
I’m strong because, despite no support from medical professionals, I had an in hospital VBAC.
I’m strong because I breastfed them within an hour of having them.
I am strong because we left the hospital together 2 days later.
I am strong because they are also exclusively breastfed.
I am strong because I’m a mama to two beautiful sets of b/g twins.