My second born son, Ryder, was brought into the world via emergency c-section due to low fluid and complications at 34 weeks gestational age- 6 weeks premature.
I went in for a routine appointment and ultrasound around 9am the morning of October 5, 2011. He was not moving or responding to outside stimulation, his heart rate was dropping every few minutes, and he was struggling in my womb, so my OB decided it was best to deliver.
He weighed 4lbs 8oz and was 17in long. My husband was my rock through the entire ordeal. He cried with me, held my hand, and took care of me like a faithful husband should.
This picture really captures the love he has for both of us and is one of my favorites. Ryder was life-fighted to a hospital 1.5 hours away 4 days after birth to be cared for in a NICU. He came home at the end of October. It was easily the hardest time of my life, but it’s made me so much stronger, as a woman, as a mother, and as a wife. I can conquer anything!
One Comment
I actually had a similar experience with my daughter though judging by your holding him, your little boy did better right off the bat then my youngest but same size and gestation. Glad he was ok but preemies and the NICU really can feel like the refiner’s fire.