January is off inspiring mamas in the Midwest, so Brandon interviews six very special guests… the Harshe kids! That’s right–you get to learn about the pineapple on Beardbaby’s butt (her diaper to be precise), The Bull’s Optimus Prime impression, Miss Cuddlebug’s cutie powers, Miss New York’s love of the Big Apple, Junior’s difficulties with Jedidiah the Dishwasher Elf, and Teenager’s love of mosquitos!
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Click here to download Episode #12: The Harshe Kids Speak Out!
Get a limited edition, custom, hand-made unicorn holiday ornament at Self Love Generation right now! January and Brandon have a feeling this ornament will be the first in a yearly tradition of holiday ornaments at Self Love Generation! Also, Birth Without Fear coffee mugs and sports bras are nearly sold out, so get one, or both, today!
The Birth Without Fear Australian Conference is nearly sold out! Less than 5 tickets remain! This will be the first Birth Without Fear Conference overseas and it will be an amazing event. Don’t miss out!