January and Brandon talk about what they do, or don’t do, with their juice pulp! January goes off about the annoying Susans (no offense to the nice Susans who listen to this podcast) who tell her to compost her pulp to save Mother Earth and that the smell of coffee is all she needs to get through her day. Brandon gets very Matrix-y as they end this episode with a bang!
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Click here to download Episode #23: Don’t Tell Me What To Do With My Pulp!
Go to Self Love Generation to take advantage of the Shitty Shippers clearance sale! Use code SHITTYSHIPPERS30 to get anything in the store for 30% off! But, January and Brandon are shitty shippers so don’t expect Amazon Prime next day shipping.
Register for one or all of the “…Without Fear” Webinars at BWFConference.com! Birth Without Fear is March 3, Postpartum Without Fear is April 7, and Self Love and Self Care Without Fear is May 5! If you want to learn the lessons about pregnancy, birth, postpartum, self love, self care, and motherhood that January had to learn the hard way over 14 years, register today!