Saturday, 26 May 2019 was day of the first ever Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia. Held at the Northside Conference Centre in Crows Nest in North Sydney, it was an amazing day of excitement and inspiration!
We want to share with you some of the special moments that just happened to be caught on film by Andrea Edwards of Sugar Plum Photography!
The conference began with Birth Without Fear founder January Harshe giving her husband Brandon a peek at the audience from nearly 8,000 miles away via the marvel of modern technology!
The first speaker of the day was Anthea Thomas, CH.t, HBCE, HBFC. Anthea is a Faculty Member and trainer for the HypnoBirthing® Institute in Australia. She is a Global Presence Ambassador for Parenting 2.0, Director of the Australian Birth and Parenting Network and runs HypnoBirthing International in Australia.
She spoke about topics such as HypnoBirthing, mind/body connection and the removal of fear in labour and birth, pre-perinatal psychology and the importance of pre-birth bonding, and changing the current birthing climate by educating parents to lead the change.
The next speaker was Rebecca Mar Young. Rebecca runs the Red Tent Health Centre in Bondi, NSW, Australia with her best friend Naomi Abeshouse Benko, where they treat and care for women through their most vulnerable times using acupuncture and Chinese medicine, having done so for over ten years.
Rebecca spoke about the fourth trimester. As she explained, in China there is a rich history of mothering the mother after childbirth that’s called “doing the month” or the Golden Month. Rebecca taught why it’s golden and how much this ancient art of caring for the mother is so relevant for women today. She explored the benefits of women nourishing themselves and their babies together and how it can be integrated into life for a better post natal period that will set women up for being a strong and healthy mothers.
When the morning session concluded January held a VIP session where she spoke to the attendees specifically about self love in her unique, inspirational, motivational way.
During the break, attendees mingled in the lobby and visited our amazing vendors, all of who played a part in making the Birth Without Fear Conference in Sydney possible!
After lunch, attendees were broken up into groups of eight for the Harmony Circle. This is one of the most asked about parts of every Birth Without Fear Conference, and the answer is never simple and direct.
However, these photos show you just how much the Harmony Circles can create a special unity that didn’t exist before.
Once the Harmony Circle concluded, January took the stage as the conference’s keynote speaker. January is known for speaking openly and honestly about her experiences throughout six pregnancies and births, as well postpartum, self love, self care, and mental health.
She didn’t disappoint, giving attendees that raw honesty that she and Birth Without Fear are known for!
When the conference ended, there were plenty of hugs and pictures taken!
January is returning to Australia in 2019 for a Birth Without Fear Conferences in Brisbane, QLD on 16 February and Melbourne, VIC on 23 February. If you missed coming out to the Birth Without Fear Conference in Sydney, please join us in Brisbane or Melbourne!