I am strong {Katie}

sistersI am strong because at 12 weeks pregnant with my first child I chose to adopt my three year old niece and one year old nephew after tragically losing my best friend, my sister.

I am strong because I managed to still work full time as an RN in the NICU while going through a huge loss, being pregnant, and a new mom of 2, soon to 3.

I am strong because after threatening pre term labor, and being told I would never make it to 37 weeks I held out to 37 & 1 day.

I am strong because despite my insane grief I managed to mother 3 children and help the oldest 2 through their grieving.

I am strong because even though the odds were stacked against me, I pumped for 10 months and my daughter got my breast milk until she was 14 months old.

Mostly, I believe I am strong because my sister is watching over me and her children, and sends her strength to work through me every day.

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Pregnancy and birth photography by Nikki Evans Photography.


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