I’m so excited to share these photos with the world! This is my 3rd child and 3rd c-section. My other births were full of fear as the first was a c-section because of failure to progress, the 2nd was a repeat c-section (because I didn’t know any better) and then this birth – which was not fearful, at all.
I was 42 1/2 weeks with my 3rd child. I had been a part of Birth Without Fear as well as Respect the Breast since the beginning of this pregnancy. I was well educated and had decided to do what I could to have the natural birth I had always wanted. Due to very very heavy scarring it was not safe to have a home birth, just in case something happened and the baby went into distress. My OBGYN had “let me” go to 40 weeks and scheduled me for a c-section. I called and canceled the c-section and put it off for another 2 1/2 weeks.
At 42 1/2 weeks I just had that feeling…the one you get when you KNOW something isn’t right. I finally caved and decided it was time to get my sweet precious baby out. At this time, I had NO CLUE if it was a girl or boy in there. I knew that I wanted to do what was best and safest for my precious little peanut. As the doctor was making the incision, I hear him say, “Oh wow! look at that!”
Here I was, laying on the table…unable to move, a curtain between me & all of the action…I said, “WHAT!?!?! WHAT IS IT?” The Dr. replied, “Your uterus was PAPER THIN.” God had kept my precious baby in for a reason. The reason being to save both of our lives. I am so thankful for this c-section and the fact that both my baby and I came out of birth perfectly healthy and ALIVE!!!
I have included photos taken both my husband and me. Being the photographer, I was barking out demands to my husband to stand up and get the shots since I was unable to see what was going on. I’m pretty sure he about passed out a few times, but he pulled it off. 🙂 I was unable to move from the waist down, but I was able to hold my baby, breastfeed her only minutes after being born & capture a few moments of her and daddy. When he snapped the “sex” photo he trembled as he told me, “It’s another girl….another BEAUTIFUL girl”….I remember those words, the way the tears began to flow.
These photos take me back to that day. The day our 3rd child, our beautiful daughter EdieJane MayRee was born. She is now 9 months old and going strong breast feeding. I am thankful for all of the shared knowledge and support.
Photos by Julie MayRee – www.juliemayree.com and on Facebook.
SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you for sharing. I am a weepy mess:)
Kathleen Neely
I also had a planned Ceasar for my second child, he was Frank Breech and had the cord wrapped around him all over. When my Doctor (who was supportive of any decision i made) Did the Delivery, he told me that I had so many fibroid tumors that my uterus probably would not have made strong enough contractions to birth him Natural anyway. I was at peace and not afraid at all to have a repeat C section. I felt it was my decision, and my body and my baby, I got it all MY WAY. Thank you so much to my midwife and Doctor!! I was a beautiful experience.
I am so very happy for you…the only Absolute..is Love and Trust (in yourself) and YOu did it…so very beautiful
I had a similar story of motherly intuition. It was my second pregnancy, and we were planning an HBAC, laboring at home, then after a while, I decided we needed to go to the hospital. I had some bleeding happening and I had a soft, gentle, non-fearful thought that said, “My placentas abrupting…” We transfer, no one picks up on it, but have a cesarean (at 43 weeks) and during the birth the OB states, “partial abruption…” I was the most empowering thing to be so in tune with my body.
Kuddos to you for listening to your intuition and going with what was right for you and birthing WITHOUT fear!
BEAUTIFUL! Gorgeous pictures, amazing story, BRAVE mama :*)
Good job Mama listening to your instincts! I’m so proud of you. And I love those gorgeous photos!
It’s so great that you went with your gut! I too did the same. My first was born vaginally but I tore so badly both inside & outside my body & lost a lot of blood. It was a horrible experience & the recovery was long & painful! So when I got pregnant w/ my second I just knew that having her via c-section was the best thing for both me & the baby. People would always ask why I was having a c-section & honestly…I would sometimes feel like people were viewing me as weak or I was making the wrong decision not to have her naturally. But during my cs my uterus ruptured because it was so thin. I just know that if I had tried to have a vaginal birth & let my body go into labor my uterus would have more than likely ruptured & who knows what would have happened then. So I’m very happy that I followed my instincts & had a cs. I must admit that I always see these wonderful pictures of these mothers having their babies at home or birth center & I’m envious that I never got to experience that.