Thank you for your wonderful web site and facebook page. I love it. I read it everyday, and on my hardest days you have made me smile and even simply get ready for the day.
I have a 13.5 month year old son, who is my miracle baby. It took us 2 years to conceive, and after 53 hours of labor he was placed in my arms. He is a big, chunky, walking, and talking little man. He is my favorite. I had a lot of complications with my labor, recovery, and from that dealt with depression. Your blog has made me realize that I am not the only one who has dealt with a horrible labor and delivery, couldn’t breastfeed, and lots of guilt.
Thank you form the bottom of my heart. Keep up the great work. I can’t wait to have my perfect birth, and share it with you. This is my little man, Maxwell Strong. He is the best. Thank you again!” ~Tiffany Strong
Your little guy is ADORABLE!!!! Congratulations!
He is so SO cute!! Makes me want another!
OMG that little chunky monkey is the cutest! He looks like he is truly full of joy!