From Spinning Babies, “The OP position (occiput posterior fetal position) is when the back of baby’s head is against the mother’s back. Here are drawings of an Anterior presentation and a posterior presentation.” “This was the first birth for an incredibly strong mama. It was a 30 hour OP labor, and surely would have been a c-section in the hospital,…
Newborns and Parents with Tattoos
So, I get this email from a photographer and what does she tell me? That she takes pictures of newborns with their tattooed parents. Rad. So I ask Jamie to send me some of her favorites, because I of course want to see them. I love our moms and dads with ink! Want to see too? Why not?! Here ya go!…
After 14 Months of TTC {Trying To Conceive}…
“After 14 months of trying including one miscarriage, we have finally been blessed with our amazing little boy. Bretten Oliver Withey was born 10 days early (my water ruptured at 2am), on 12.5.12 at 2:41pm. He was 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 in long. His daddy arrived at the hospital after being out of state for work just 2 hours before…
Fast VBAC after Cesaren due to ‘Big Baby’
“This is the VBAC of a beautiful little girl. Mama’s first birth was 38 hours long and ended in a c-section because after pushing for 2 hours, they told her the baby wouldn’t fit. This little VBAC baby was born after a total 3 hour labor, with only 30 minutes of pushing. (Her water broke at 6:30am, labor started right…
The VBAC High
This is what a VBAC high looks like! Not just for mom, but dad as well. Accomplishing something that was fought so hard for. This pictures caputres the VBAC moment so well. Melissa Cate Photogarphy says, ” The first birth mama pushed 4 hours in the hospital on her back with an epidural, and even though she was getting fairly…
VBAC in a Hotel
Our H(otel)BAC by Niki T. Joey’s birth story began 21 months before his actual birth, during the cesarean birth of our second child. She had presented with both hands first (double nuchal hand presentation) during an AROM. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and looking back I can see each domino that landed me in that operating room fall in slow…
Siblings Cosleeping and Bed Sharing {Part 1: Safety and Advantages}
We are huge fans of safe cosleeping here! It’s been done since the beginning of time and is normal and natural in most cultures. “When my grandma was little she & her siblings & children that passed thru their home use to sleep in dresser drawers, hope chests & under their parents bed. That sounds scary & unsafe to most…
Woman Centered Birth {The Power Source}
You were inspired by this mom and birth photographer here and here. Now, together, side by side, these pictures deliver a powerful message! A huge thank you to Ruthie for putting these rad quote pics together and for Earthside Birth Photography for generously allowing us to spice up her beautiful photos!
Babies Touch the World with Love
Here it is. The follow up from this awesome mom and Earthside Birth Photography! A big thanks to Ruthie for working hard on bringing our BWF Community inspiring quote pictures! Babies touch the world with love… To come…the pictures together with a new quote! Here it is!