“After 14 months of trying including one miscarriage, we have finally been blessed with our amazing little boy. Bretten Oliver Withey was born 10 days early (my water ruptured at 2am), on 12.5.12 at 2:41pm. He was 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 in long. His daddy arrived at the hospital after being out of state for work just 2 hours before he was born. He is the light of our life and continues to make us fall in love with him everyday.” ~Jessica
What a gorgeous little darling. Congratulations!
I love the picture and the article you wrote to go with it. Love you both so much. Give that nephew hugs and kisses for me. 🙂
What an absolutely gorgeous little boy!
Congratulations to you three!
Congratulations! TTC can be a long journey, happy your little one is with you!