Special Moments Captured {Birth of a Rainbow Baby}
“I wanted to share some photographs from the last home birth I did with you and Birth Without Fear. This is the couple’s first live birth, they had a still birth just over a year and a half ago. This mommy went through 24 hours of labor, and then everything stopped for just over a week. Her water then broke…
BWF Birth Affirmation
Be Inspired…
Woman Centered Birth {The Power Source}
You were inspired by this mom and birth photographer here and here. Now, together, side by side, these pictures deliver a powerful message! A huge thank you to Ruthie for putting these rad quote pics together and for Earthside Birth Photography for generously allowing us to spice up her beautiful photos!
Babies Touch the World with Love
Here it is. The follow up from this awesome mom and Earthside Birth Photography! A big thanks to Ruthie for working hard on bringing our BWF Community inspiring quote pictures! Babies touch the world with love… To come…the pictures together with a new quote! Here it is!
Rainbow Baby After Loss of Twins…Special Moments Captured
Victoria with Canary Lane Photography recently photographed this birth of fellow birth photographer, Robin Baker. She has 3 boys and still-birthed twin boys last year. She gave birth to Hannah on the exact same day she lost the twins a year ago. Can not find the words, so here are the pictures…
3 Rad Weeks of NO Facebook & Being in the Picture(s)
I recently blogged about being in the picture. In the last few weeks I have blogged more, been on the computer less (yep) and have shared more pictures of my life (well a few is more than none!). I have been forcing myself to be in the pictures with my kids sometimes instead of always behind behind the camera {i.e.…
Breastfeeding Goddess Mama of Twins
I was presently surprised when I received an email from Tatum with Tatum Kathleen Photography. I’ve seen and shared her work in the past. She took the time to emaill me knowing I’m no longer on FB. She thought I’d appreciate a photo she just took and she was right! “This couple had their first birth, twin girls, and is 12…
4 Quotes to Get You Through the Day!
If you are a woman… If you are pregnant… If you are a mom… If you are pregnant and a mom… If it’s proving to be a tough day remember that you are good enough and it’s OK to have a lazy day!