• I Got the Fever

    So not to sound paranoid, but I’m pretty sure babies are following me. Wait, let me back up. It seems that it has been just long enough since I had my last baby that I have forgotten how uncomfortable I was at 40 weeks pregnant (more like from weeks 21-40…) and how much I really, really love sleeping. No, really.…

  • Sexual Abuse and Birth

    Sexual Abuse. This subject, which effects so many silent victims, is a hard one to approach. The damage is not only physical. It is mental, it is emotional, it effects the very spirit. Even for those who seek therapy, it can take a lifetime to heal – some people never heal. For birthing women, this subject becomes even more complicated.…

  • Great Hospital Birth, Baby Is One Step Ahead of Interventions

    My pregnancy with my son was AWFUL, with getting the flu very bad, substantial bleeding at times, bladder infections, throat infection where the antibiotics lead to a yeast infection, and assorted other fantastic things to happen during pregnancy 😛 Everyone who saw how big I was towards the end (started at 110lbs, went up to 175lbs) were convinced I was…

  • Birth Without Fear Donates $1200 to a Mom in Need!

    At the end of May 2012, I launched a Birth Fund. So many women and their families are in need of help and I’ve been there. I wanted to do something no one else is doing…help a mother pay for her birth. After legal papers were drawn up and signed, information verified, and donations from myself, our sponsors and many…

  • Wild Mothers Art Nursing Necklace Giveaway!

    Wild Mothers Art is giving 3 lucky winners a FREE nursing necklace! You can enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway ALSO, Wild Mothers Art is so awesome, she is giving ALL BWF readers 15% off from now until September 15th!!! Use the code: BWFLABORDAY2012 to get your discount now! The winners will receive one of the following (chosen by WMA)… Pocket…

  • Cesarean Birth Video

    I have seen many cesarean birth photos, but never a video like this one. It is from Birth Without Fear mother, Christina. She received and has given much support throughout her pregnancy, labor, birth and post partum. They were able to catch the c-section on video and it’s nothing short of amazing. If blood and surgery make you squeamish, you…

  • Premature Twins Born Vaginally at Hospital at 34 Weeks

    Walking into the OB office for our first ultrasound at 9 weeks… I still remember the moment like it was yesterday.  This was after suffering through infertility after the birth of our first daughter, and going through a devastating miscarriage 4 months prior. My husband and I were terrified. Our fears were only heightened when the tech quickly hit the…

  • Improving Birth National Rally…Wow!

    So, when I first heard of Improvingbirth.org, I had no idea who they were or what they stood for. I received a few emails about this rally they were doing. I went to look at their Facebook page and saw they had about 900 ‘likes’. I thought, “How in  the world are they putting on a national rally with that…

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