• How To Support Breastfeeding with a Google Doodle.

    Best title to a blog post…ever! The woman behind Tales of a Kitchen Witch put together this Google Doodle to support World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7,  2012. Here’s the thing. You can put a little action behind your words of encouragement and support. From Google: How can Google users/the public submit ideas for doodles? The doodle team is always excited…

  • Hospital Birth…It’s a BOY!

    My name is Nicole and this is how Landon Alexander came into the world. I went off birth control when my husband left for Iraq hoping that when he came home for leave we would get pregnant. This way we could get all the military perks, but also so he could be here for most of the pregnancy and the…

  • Finally! It’s Over! A Birth Story.

    My plans were to have an unassisted home birth and to not have any prenatal care. But plans don’t always work out. So at 36 weeks pregnant, after eating dinner, I feel water down my legs and freak out completely thinking oh crap my water broke, here I am with no house (living at the in laws between houses) got…

  • Simplicity

    This is my all time favorite picture from my second home birth. I love the simplicity of it! This way of weighing newborns is so classic! Baby Charlie is in there!  7lbs 9oz! Photo by Brenna Lyn Photography.

  • Natural Water Birth Instead of Repeat Cesarean

    “This is a picture of me and my 3rd daughter, Ailsa, just 2 minutes after she was born. Thank you for making the beautiful empowering birth of my daughter possible! When I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd daughter, I was going have an elective c-sec as my previous births had been horrendous and traumatic, but you made…

  • My Current Inspiration…Fear Is A Liar

    “On some positions, cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right? There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because…

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