Birth Images from a Hospital Water Birth June 27, 2012 “I had a hospital water birth. The second pic (with baby) was taken 22 minutes after the first (after a 14 hr labour). Birth is not all bad!” ~Laura This birth was at LGI Hospital in Leeds, UK. Recommended Reading16 and Pregnant; Who is the Biggest Idiot?VBAC Despite Thrombocytopenia: The Birth of ElodieHome Birth After Cesarean in Florida…This is Women’s WorkMotherhood Temper TantrumsOur Ray of Sunshine, the Storm and the Rainbow {Trigger Warning}VBAC Hospital Water Birth Announcement with PicturesHow the Webster Technique Can Help You Birth Without FearDifficult Pregnancy and Traumatic Birth {Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Gestational Diabetes, Cholestasis And Induction}I Am Strong {Because We Have Each Other}Supported VBAC after T-Incision {Pictures and Video}
One Comment
Lovely pics 🙂 I thought the midwives there were wonderful!