• Please Sign Here; You Have No Rights (Updated)

    For those that want to say that medical care is not intrusive, that women are just whining and should not complain about hospital birth, think again. One of our BWF Mamas recently emailed me describing her recent hospital visit. This is COMMON. Many women do not realize they even have choices . Those that do, if they don’t have a…

  • The Unique Shape of a Mother

    Today’s awesome blog post can be seen over at Plus Size Mommy Memoirs. That’s right, my first guest blog post! I love Jen and all she stands for. A bright, beautiful, positive woman spreading that light on anyone she can. Now go read the post. Did I mention it’s awesome? I wanted to keep it!

  • Keep Calm: Birth Affirmation Free Printable

    Kelly has a wonderful blog, The Pretty Bee. She decided to make a printable using the popular “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters and pictures. She figured with all the variations available, why not one for birth? She says, “I think once labor hits, that’s about all you can do…pray, work with your body and keep calm.  Our bodies were designed…

  • Stretch Marks: Wear Them With Pride!

    “I got horrible stretch marks with my first pregnancy, and after my son was born I went through several months of self-loathing because of them. Finally one day when he was about 6 months old I decided enough was enough. I wrote a poem, took a picture of my scarred tummy and posted it to Facebook. I would love to…

  • When Annie Came Into the World: A Dad’s Perspective Birth Story

    I was socializing downstairs over at Rachel’s aunt’s house when Kris yelled downstairs, “Tucker… Rachel’s water broke”.  Not believing her statement because,  for one, she said it nonchalantly, and second, it was a week before the due date, I yell back “OK Kris”.  I share a chuckle with Ryan who was under the same impression as I about the legitimacy…

  • Unassisted Home Water Birth Video

    *It is not advised to freebirth at home. If you choose to have an unassisted birth, be prepared and have back up plans. Unassisted birth can be wonderful, but is not a safe option for everyone. ~Mrs. BWF This video is incredible and I’ll tell you why. I could absolutely relate to the raw intensity and “Oh my God” feeling…

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