“I delivered my second daughter on December 18, my due date and her older sister’s second birthday! We started the birth at home and was planning on delivering there, but complications in pushing took landed me in the hospital. Thanks to the ride there, I was able to have the VBAC I wanted – six pushes and she was on…

  • When Midwifery Works

    This is a guest post by a friend of mine who is a midwife. She is also an amazing woman, wife and mother. She supports all women’s choices in birth, but at the same time always practices safe and competent midwifery, as you will see here. For those that want to know how midwifery works, how home birth is safe…

  • Bad or Good Advice…Delay Breastfeeding to Help Vaccine Effectiveness?

    A friend shared this article with me from GreenMedInfo.Com. My jaw dropped. Literally. “Vaccination proponents have suggested that breastfeeding should be delayed in order to prevent immune factors within breast milk from inactivating vaccine-associated antibody titer elevations and vaccine potency.” – GreenMedInfo Summary This actually came from a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Infections & Diseases in 2010.…

  • When Patience in a Home Birth Pays Off…

    “I just wanted to thank all of you for the support and encouragement you gave be here! I had a wonderful home birth and was so glad I choose not to go to the hospital. 🙂 I had back labor, ‘failure to progress’, and a ‘too large’ malpositioned baby. So if I had not chosen home birth it would have…

  • Midwife Support in Birth…A Picture Worth 1000 Words

    The support a woman receives in labor and birth makes the difference between empowerment and trauma. ~Mrs. BWF Sent in by Kim Smith… “Support” “This is my midwife, Nancy, holding my hand and helping me focus on breathing during contractions. She sat beside the birth pool for hours supporting me while I focused on her eyes. My son was born…

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