• I Am Strong – MoMo Twins

    I am strong, because the day the test finally said, “Schwanger” (pregnant) was the best day of my life. I am strong, because I had a solid plan for a natural pregnancy and birth. I am strong, because my seven week ultrasound showed two heart beats, but only one amniotic sac. I am strong, because for two horrible weeks they…

  • I Am Strong – Because of Hudson

    I am strong, because I was told I would never have children. I am strong, because I have Endometriosis, PCOS, and Lupus. I am strong, because in 2013 I became pregnant. I am strong, because throughout my pregnancy I was hospitalized numerous times for problems stemming from lupus. I am strong, because a week before my due date I had…

  • I Am Strong – A Premature Birth Story

    I had my birth completely planned out to the smallest detail: I had a midwife, a birth center, a natural birth plan. Everything was perfect. At six weeks until my due date I woke up to my water being broken, I had to rush to the nearest hospital without my midwife and with all plans going out the window.  My…

  • Finding Healing in a C-Section

    My story really begins with my first two babies’ births. When I was about 37 weeks, we found out our first little girl was breech. We had planned a natural birth with Hypnobabies and midwives at the best hospital in our area, so to hear she was breech was crushing. We started doing everything we could to turn her around,…

  • I Am Strong – VBAC Without Fear

    There are a number of reasons why I am strong. At 17 I became pregnant. At three months pregnant and only a few weeks after my 18th birthday, my daughter’s father threw me out. I felt like garbage – abandoned and alone. How would I raise a child just out of high school? I am strong because I picked myself…

  • Sweet Ellie-Boy

    We discovered we were pregnant with you in November of 2014. Your sister was to be turning two years old then and although we had been determined for her to be an only child, we were excited to be bringing you into the world. Our joyousness was quickly squashed by fears from the outcome of our last pregnancy. I was…

  • The Birth of Scarlet Noelle

    Throughout my pregnancy I had to get ultrasounds every week with my maternal fetal medicine doctor. It’s what happens when you’ve had two beautiful, stillborn little girls: one at 23 weeks and the other at 32 weeks, both due to a rare blood clotting disorder known as Factor II. The ultrasounds were always my saving grace. I got to see…

  • Birthing Hope

    This is the story of the second time I gave birth; the first time I gave birth naturally. Looking back, I don’t know whether to describe my labor as long or short. Hope Noel was born early on Sunday morning, December 16, 2012. I started having contractions the Wednesday evening before. They were fairly regular for several hours, but fizzled…

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