• The Nursing Babe

    My daughter is currently 5 1/2 months old. I haven’t introduced solids on a regular basis yet, and really don’t plan to until after she is 6 months old. When I was pregnant my whole family was against breastfeeding. “How are going to feed her in public?”, “Breastfeeding will get old, you will never get a break.” Then once I…

  • I Am Strong {Kylee}

    Trigger warning: contains loss I am strong because when I was 19 I had my daughter Madison Lee. Madison was delivered all natural on Dec 3, 2005 and screamed from the time she took her first breath until she was all tuckered out 4 hr later. I am strong because my second daughter Marrell Louis was born July 3, 2012 and…

  • This is Breastfeeding {Take 2}

    I fell in love with these photos when they were sent to me earlier this year from photographer Laura Eckert. Why haven’t I shared them, you ask? Simple, Facebook will ban me yet again. I came across them again last night and decided to put them in a blog post. They are too beautiful not to be shared. Every mother…

  • This Is Birth

    We have shared a series of ‘that moment of birth‘ before captured perfectly by Apple Blossom Families. Recently, this same photographer sent me a series of water birth photos that took our breath away. We are sharing here, as Facebook tends to remove these images from our Birth Without Fear Facebook page. Isn’t this amazing?! Here are more from this…

  • VBAC: What ACOG Really Says {Birth Without Fear}

    VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. The term and action is wrought with political and emotional meaning in the birth world. Can  you have a VBAC? Does your doctor or hospital “allow” a VBAC? Under what conditions can you have a VBAC? Should it be called a TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean)? What sort of prior birth history is…

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