• Fast Birth of 3rd child into a Military Family

    Just over 3 years ago, on April 14, 2010, my life flashed before my eyes.  I was standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner.  It was 5:14 pm.  My phone rang.  It was my husband Shane, who was on his 4th deployment with the Marine Corps and hadn’t called for about a month, so I answered saying, “Finally!  You’d better have…

  • Natural Hospital Birth Photos {Live Without Fear}

    I found out I was pregnant my first year of dental school and against all the negativity I received telling me I could never do both, I pushed through fighting everyday. There was even more negativity regarding my decision for a natural child birth (people are crazy!) I had a beautiful 100% natural hospital birth and I wouldn’t change a…

  • Home Waterbirth After Ovarian Cancer

    Thank you Jess for your beautiful story! I had my first child in October of 2011 at home surrounded by my family and midwife.  It was 18 hours of hard labor with 3 hours of pushing before he decided to finally show himself to us!  He was perfect! 22 inches and 8.14 lbs!! It was probably the craziest, hardest, and…

  • Walked the Baby Right Out {A VBAC Story}

    (I requested my hospital records and added details in brackets to my story from those records) ~Goldie My first born son, Rafi, was born via c section after 36 hours of back labor and 3 hours of pushing in August of 2009. Rafi was in the occiput transverse position (facing my hip) when they pulled him out, and the reasons…

  • Breech Cesarean Birth

    When I was 18 I fell pregnant with my first daughter. I’m 4ft 10 and then I was a size 6 so a very very small build (my now husband is 6ft4 need I say more lol). They discovered she was breech at 35 weeks with a following scan at 36 to double check. The awkward little bugger was in…

  • Cesarean Photo Collage

    My first boy, third baby: after two ‘Drs-convenience early inductions’, this was my first chance at a truly natural labor and birthing. My sons cord prolapsed and changed the birth, emergency c-section with general anesthesia.  I am thankful for c-sections.  I’m also thankful for VBACs, which I had the opportunity to have with my fourth baby, second son.  -Nicole

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