• I am strong {Katie}

    I am strong because at 12 weeks pregnant with my first child I chose to adopt my three year old niece and one year old nephew after tragically losing my best friend, my sister. I am strong because I managed to still work full time as an RN in the NICU while going through a huge loss, being pregnant, and…

  • Together as a Family, Part III

    This is the third in a five-part series about loss and healing, shared by Shannon from Brisbane, AU. Yesterday, she shared about the grief and despair she felt during and after her third miscarriage. Today, she writes about the fears that arose during her next pregnancy, and her decision to pursue midwifery care. Check back tomorrow to hear the first…

  • Together as a Family, Part II

    This is the second in a five-part series about loss and healing, a story shared by Shannon from Brisbane, AU. Yesterday, she shared about her first two miscarriages. Today she writes about coping through them, and her next. Check back tomorrow to hear how she worked through the fears that arose when she conceived – and found spotting – again. “One…

  • I Am Strong {Casey}

    [Trigger Warning: This story is about a micro-premmie twin birth and loss.] I am strong because I knew, at 26 weeks, I needed to go to the hospital despite not feeling a single contraction. When the doctor told me I was 9cm, baby a was stuck in my birth canal, and we needed to get to the OR immediately, I…

  • The Strength of Words

    “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” – George Orwell I woke up in a daze and headed to go to the bathroom for the 3rd time that morning. I couldn’t believe it was already the 3rd trip this morning, come on, I was only 12 weeks pregnant. The baby isn’t that big. I finish and go…

  • Birth Photostory | Rebecca Colefax Photography

    “This beautiful family of 5 just became a family of 6! Labour was very fast and extremely powerful – but mummy was strong, empowered and courageous. A wonderful inspiration to her daughter who was present throughout and was the best little birthing assistant I’ve ever seen. This birth was an amazing experience for me as a photographer for this was…

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