• Kissing During Labor to Reduce Anxiety and Increase Oxytocin

    It really can help. My last labor was very long and hard. During one part, kissing my husband between and even during contractions helped me relax and distracted me from intense contractions. Justine, a photographer, has recently witnessed this herself. She says, “I snapped this photo of my client Danielle during her labor of her new baby girl. She was…

  • I Have Socks On! {An Unplanned Unassisted Birth}

    Amos’s Birth Story My due date with our second child was April 24.  I was hoping to get pretty close or past that date, and was especially hoping to still be pregnant by April 21, which was “Mom’s Night” at my daughter Lillian’s preschool, where all the moms come to see activities and special songs the kids have been preparing…

  • Two Midwife-Assisted Home Births

    Kyla of Birthing Aspirations shares two stories: the midwife-assisted home births of her first two children, Naomi and Lily. Earlier this year she shared the story of the birth of her third child, Zoe, with us: A Simple Home Water Birth. Home birth of Naomi: I was at a volunteer appreciation night at my church on my estimated due date. I…

  • Fast Labor and Baby Born in the Caul {en caul}

    Daenerys “Dani” Rebekah was born on November 19th, at home and in the caul, after only 2 hours of active labor. Most of the labor  happened in the car, stuck in traffic. They got home at about 7:20, the midwife arrived 7:46 pm, and she was born at 8:05 pm. She is 7lbs 13 oz. Photography by Petals of Zuzu.

  • Accidental Unassisted Birth of 4th Child

    My name is Lara Carlos, I am a Doula, Childbirth Educator, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist, mama to four amazing babies and the wife of an acupuncturist.  I am also the co-founder for The Barefoot Mamas‘ Network and working to take my network national. I recently had an amazing birth experience of my fourth baby. I believe that children pick their parents before they…

  • Letting Women Know They Aren’t Alone

    Thank you for your wonderful web site and facebook page. I love it. I read it everyday, and on my hardest days you have made me smile and even simply get ready for the day. I have a 13.5 month year old son, who is my miracle baby.  It took us 2 years to conceive, and after 53 hours of…

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