• Beautiful Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth Pictures

    I am sent many picutres. So many, that I simply can not get to them all. I have them all tucked away in different folders just waiting to be shared with the world. I appreciate all that are sent in and if you don’t see your picture here…well, I intend to share it soon! ~January Leah Sandretzky’s painted belly of…

  • Love Life

    I’m super busy this week as we are packing and moving in a few days (just to a new house around the corner). One of our blog authors just moved too! We’re getting out as much new content as we can, but know you understand that life just gets busy. 😉 Here is my 5 year old and I goofing…

  • Birth: An Amazing Experience

    “This photo is from my home birth on September 23rd–Brittany welcoming baby Jayden.  Kudos to my amazing midwife Parveen Kelly.  I like to tell friends–this is how “scary” birth is.  Such an amazing day and experience– I’m so glad I trusted my instinct and went through with the home birth.” ~Brittany B.

  • A Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!

    After three horrendous inductions that took three days apiece, I decided that this time it was going to be different, that my son (after five girls and 20 years of trying), as my last child, HAD to have a gentle birth and I NEEDED a positive birth experience. I got researching, spending hours and hours trawling the internet, reading chapters and chapters of…

  • 10 Things I’ve Discovered in 10 Days Off Facebook

    As many of you know, I went off Facebook last week. I don’t care if anyone else is on it, I care that I was. FB is absolutely brilliant at sucking people in. What was supposed to be a convienent way of staying in touch with friends and family has turned into an adult playground fight {regular meeting times at…

  • The Birth Center Birth of Avett

    I had been having painful contractions since Monday afternoon, and that night we had a false alarm- although they were very close together, I had only dilated to 1cm so they sent me back home. Contractions continued though Tuesday, accompanied by extremely painful cramping. My water broke in the bathtub while Brandon (my husband) was downstairs, I called out for…

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