• Like Mother, Like Daughter

    I distinctly remembering my oldest child at four years old (now 9) coming up to me with her doll saying, “I’m nursing my baby mommy. She loves my breast milk. It’s chocolate milk.” Ha. Adorable. I just had my 3rd child and she was the first baby I successfully breastfed. She was learning by my example. Here are some mamas…

  • Cute {Maternity} Adoption Photos

    I saw this on Pinterest and just had to click on it. What an adorable idea for a {maternity} adoption photo. She has a heart around Russia, where they are adopting from. Then, I saw the rest of the pictures and they just melted my heart. What a beautiful couple. You can see all their pics and follow their adoption…

  • Faith, a Change in Plans, and a Beautiful Birth

    “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:7. This was the verse that got me through my pregnancy and labor. I had prayed that God would provide me with a swift and safe delivery.  I wanted a labor and delivery free of medications and interventions.  I knew my…

  • Breastfeeding Twins Photo from National Geographic

    I came across this picture a few weeks ago and shared it on Facebook. It was widly popular. I’ve tried to pinpoint why. I think it’s because it is just so raw and beautiful. Something you wouldn’t see here (in the U.S). A naturally nursing twins at the same time, completely open and unhibited. It’s natural, flawless and inspiring. From National…

  • A True Look at Homebirth by Video

    This BWF Dad emailed me with this birth video. I really like it because it shows how homebirth really is. It’s not a bunch of edited pictures (those are nice too), but an uncut video of birth. The midwives are setting up, Hypnobirthing affirmations are playing in the background, everyone is interacting, talk about the placenta is heard, mama is…

  • Babble Mentions BWF as a Favorite

    At the beginning of the year, BWF was named the Top Pregnancy Blog by readers on About.com. It was great to see how much good was coming from this little blog. 😉 More recently, Babble.com named their Favorite 20 Pregnancy Blogs and BWF was given a gracious mention. The kind words spoken by the author of the article, Aela, melted my…

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