My first 2 babies were quick & easy induced vaginal births. My 3rd baby was delivered by caesarean section (in Jan 2011), as she was breech. A c/s was something I never wanted, yet the Drs insisted (via scaremongering crap) I have one due to her breech position. I was happy to go ahead with a vaginal breech birth (VBB),…
The Moment {Planned HBA2C, Unplanned Unassisted}
You posted a photo of “the moment” and it reminded me so much of my own. Especially because that moment is something I had waited for through 2 attempted vaginal births that turned into c-sections… I was told I was broken. I was told it would never happen and I couldn’t try. I KNEW BETTER! On April 2011, at 42w2d,…
A Healing HypnoBirth {Natural Hospital VBAC In Australia}
The pregnancy My birthing journey started long before my labour. In fact, it started before my pregnancy. My first daughter, ‘Moosh’, was born via emergency cesarean after a long labour and traumatic set of circumstances. My grandfather (who I lived with for 15 years) passed away three days before my ‘due’ date, and surges started almost instantly. Six hours later my membranes…
Long Labor Ends with Beautiful HBAC
For months and months I had dreamt of this moment. The moment when my daughter would be here and I would be able to say that I did it. I had my home birth after cesarean I imagined what my birth story would contain and couldn’t wait to write it. And now, that the time is finally here. I find…
The VBAC High
This is what a VBAC high looks like! Not just for mom, but dad as well. Accomplishing something that was fought so hard for. This pictures caputres the VBAC moment so well. Melissa Cate Photogarphy says, ” The first birth mama pushed 4 hours in the hospital on her back with an epidural, and even though she was getting fairly…
VBAC in a Hotel
Our H(otel)BAC by Niki T. Joey’s birth story began 21 months before his actual birth, during the cesarean birth of our second child. She had presented with both hands first (double nuchal hand presentation) during an AROM. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and looking back I can see each domino that landed me in that operating room fall in slow…
Supporting Women in VBACs {Vaginal Birth After Cesarean}
“I just wanted to say thank you! I loved being able to read so many wonderful birth stories and encouraging and supportive advice along my journey to a VBAC. It really helped me to know that my body wasn’t “broken” just because I’d had a cesarean, and the confidence and trust in my body was exactly what I needed. I…
Different Choices…Different Birth {VBAC}
“My first birth was 4.5 years ago with a mainstream doc. She stripped my membranes at 39 weeks without asking me, due to a “big baby” (9 lbs, 7 oz, 22.5 inches). My water broke the next day with no dilation or effacement, so I went to the hospital and walked, had Cervadil, Pitocin, and had 2 epidurals (1st one…
Supported VBAC after T-Incision {Pictures and Video}
Get your tissue. Seriously. Brooke with Peace Love Babies sent me a few pictures and tear jerker video of this gorgeous mama’s birth. She had a VBAC after a previous cesarean birth with a T-incision. It is rare to find support to VBAC after one, but she did. Brooke says, “I wanted to share a birth film I made recently…