Brooke with Peace Love Babies sent me a few pictures and tear jerker video of this gorgeous mama’s birth. She had a VBAC after a previous cesarean birth with a T-incision. It is rare to find support to VBAC after one, but she did.
Brooke says, “I wanted to share a birth film I made recently for a fierce mama who VBACed. She had a T-incision c-section with her last baby at just shy of 25 weeks (healthy baby doing great more than 2 years later). She was told she had to have a repeat cesarean, but researched and trusted herself. I was so glad she also trusted me to capture this beautiful, inspiring birth of her full term daughter.”
The support and energy in this birth are beautiful. How I wish all hospital births could be, and how they can be. And the connection between the birthing mother and her own mother will move you. Proceed only with tissue…
What a lovely, sweet video! I’m so excited for this mama! The moment with mother and daughter holding hands across the bed made me cry.
What was the song playing during the video?
Danielle Smith
What beautiful photos and video. Pure love…
The song was “Perfect Harmony” by Ma Petite.
Rachel Lockwood
My waters broke at 26 weeks and I was told I would have to have a t-section because of baby and placenta’s position. Blessedly she stayed in there a few more weeks and everything moved enough to give me a normal c-section. I was told that I would never be able to give birth normally again because the tissue and muscles are too damaged – I was devastated – but now I know you can! Beautiful video, beautiful Mamas, beautiful baby!
You for sure can. You can go here and on the fanpage to join our private group. We are a group of women with special scars (I have an inverted T but others have classicals, J’s, and T’s). I would have been lost without these ladies! http://www.specialscars.org/support/
Shara cunningham
My sister recently had her daughter at 25 weeks, she also had a T-incision c-section. Her daughter weighed a whopping 1.6lbs, she is now 8 months old and the size of a 3 month old… She was told she can never have another vaginal birth as her two prior births were vaginal….
Send her our way! http://www.specialscars.org
She for sure has options! If she goes to the “suppor” tab she will find our facebook. Tel her to request to join the private group.
Shara – my eldest son (2nd child) arrived at 25 weeks also. He was a surviving twin, and came via emergency classical (vertical) caesarean. I was told the same. However, with much research and consulting with the Head of Obstetrics as the major public Women & Children’s teaching hospital, we opted for a VBAC. I birthed our youngest son 18 months after that caesarean, into my own hands in the hospital shower! It was a beautiful natural labour 🙂 My first birth was also a natural vaginal birth, but with a posterior babe.
There is a group called Special Scars ~ Special Women and they are a great source of support and info whether opting for a VBAC, repeat caesarean, or just needing support for what she went through!
Oh this gives me so much hope that it could be a possibility to VBAC! I have a classical incision after my son was born at 28 weeks (now a happy healthy 6 month old!) and I have also been told it would be impossible to VBAC any future children (he was my first). How did you go about finding a doctor to support this? and a local hospital? I’m so curious! and congratulations, that is amazing and she is beautiful!
Shara – my eldest son (2nd child) arrived at 25 weeks also. He was a surviving twin, and came via emergency classical (vertical) caesarean. I was told the same. However, with much research and consulting with the Head of Obstetrics as the major public Women & Children’s teaching hospital, we opted for a VBAC. I birthed our youngest son 18 months after that caesarean, into my own hands in the hospital shower! It was a beautiful natural labour 🙂 My first birth was also a natural vaginal birth, but with a posterior babe.
There is a group called Special Scars ~ Special Women and they are a great source of support and info whether opting for a VBAC, repeat caesarean, or just needing support for what she went through!
Megan Refvik
I am bawling. What a amazing video. I had a c-section with my daughter, first baby. I hope and believe that my next baby will be a VBAC! Thank you for this. xoxo