• I am Strong {28 Weeks}

    I am strong because I wasn’t afraid to get pregnant, even though I have Type 1 Diabetes. I am strong because I have never been healthier than when I was pregnant. I am strong because I advocated for myself when the nurses said my blood pressure was nothing to worry about. I am strong because I admitted myself to a…

  • I Am Strong {2 Sets of Twins}

    I am strong because after 5 years of TTC, I became pregnant with a set of twins. I am strong because after fighting to keep them in, I went into labor at 32 weeks and had to have a c/s. I am strong because they were in the NICU for over a month and a half, fighting for normal breathing and heartbeats. I’m strong…

  • I am Strong {Miracle Twins}

    I  am strong because I was told I would never have kids. I was 19 years old and the doctor told me I was in early menopause. They said they could put on me on hormones to boost my body back, but it would take at least 2 years for my hormones to level out. I told my husband that…

  • I Am Strong {Placenta Percreta and Hysterectomy}

    I am strong because I became a single mother at 21 to a beautiful baby boy, my light. A medicated vaginal birth after wanting a Bradley birth. At 22 I became pregnant again and I’m strong because I walked away from an abusive relationship at 6mo pregnant and never looked back. I had my beautiful baby girl at 22 years…

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